Picky Betta


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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Fun little story. I tried feeding my betta some new betta pellets I bought at my LFS. I pre-soaked one and dropped it in. He ate it, then spit it out. I tried half of a pre-soaked bloodworm. He ate it and spit it out. I took the tiniest piece of a sinking shrimp pellet, usually used for my corys. He spit it out. Finally I went to my last resort. Some angelfish flakes I had in the cabinet. I put one in. He swam to the top, eye balled it and followed it around the top of the water for a minute, and ate it.

This betta, is prissy.
Bettas are fussy little so and so's :D it may be that he was only fed flakes previously so needs to get used to the other foods, keep offering them and you should find he takes them sooner or later.
I have a Betta that his food contains two different colored pellets (blue and red) he will only eat the red ones and lets the blue one just continue to float around the top of his tank. I have another Betta that will go for any type of food I put in the tank, it's a community tank. He will try to eat the Corys, shrimps, and the Gouramis food along with his own. Some Bettas are just adorable picky little babies.

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