Picking The Right Pleco.....


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
Reaction score
I'm putting my 55 gal south American/central America because of the cichlids.

Here is the set up. 55 gal 48"12"22" or 23 I forget. Anyways I have a sand bottom a 25" bogwood log with 2 other mid size chunks. I will be making rock caves and adding live plants. Ph 7.4 temp 78F . Water is on the soft side. I have a BN and a clown in my 36gal. I love my BN.

The fish
1 blue acara
8 red eye tetras
4 cory cats
1 pleco I was thinking rubber nose or a pair of bristel nose. Or pit bulls.
1 firemouth ( maybe)

I was thinking maybe getting a large pleco. Because I have a 90 gali could set up if it out grows this one.

So I would like an active wood eating pleco that will eat some algea. It has to be ok with the cory cats. What do you think?
since you say you like BN i would go with that.. i know they eat wood and SOME alge.. pretty much any pleco is good with cory cats and if you have a 90 gallon back up.. i would pick any pleco your heart desires
Most Plecs will be fine with Corydoras but you would be best sticking to one that doesn't grow more than about 8". This will give you plenty to choose from and you'd be surprised how many are out there.
BN Catfish do not eat wood, they only rasp on it to aid digestion. They are algae eaters but should not be relied upon to clean the tank. I have four BN in my tank but only one of them tends to eat he algae!
You could go for the best of both worlds:
Panaque sp. such as the Clown Pleco will eat wood.
Bristlenose Catfish eats algae and prefers a mor vegetable based diet.
I have a clown pleco she never eats algea. My bn does a pretty good job but she got lazy I think and just waits for the waffers. I'm leaning towards the rubber nose or a bn that's not a common. So cool kind of Ancistrus?

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