Picked up some new fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2003
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I picked up a few new fish for my tank tonight (see sig). All I had in there was plecosy so hopefully these guys will all do well! Also I just have one question. Are the green catfish I bought in the cory catfish family or not? I can post pictures if needed but I was just curious, thanks :nod:
It could be. There are two catfish that can go under the common name 'green'.

Corydora Aeneus


Brochis Splendens.
Hey there- Yes those fish will all work well together. Is your tank new? If it is NOT new then you should think about a few more neons, they look pretty in large school! :wub:
Yeah the Brochis Splendens looks like the catfish I got. I kind've wanted to get cory's but I didn't see any of the catfish there named that so it was kind've difficult to tell :thumbs: lol. Anywho though no my tank is not new, its been running for a year or so. Yeah I was thinking about getting some more neons but maybe not because these fish seem way to shy it isn't funny. I don't know whats up but tonight when I went to feed them for the first time they don't even come up for the food they just sit down at the bottom chillin by the plants. Any idea on how to get these guys to come up for there food? The catfish and pleco are going crazy in the tank it's quite amusing :lol: but all 6 neons just seem lifeless. Now I used to have neon tetras in my other tank and they were crazy as hell swimming all over the place quite fun to watch, whats up with these guys?

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