Piccies Of My New Boy! He Is All Mine!


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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Been on holiday for 7 days. My sister came up a few days ago and gave all the bettas a couple of flakes. They are all OK all got lovely big bubble nests and very dirty tanks.

Whilst on holiday, Great Yarmouth ,I spotted a sign for an aquatic centre. Everso tiny place, but I persuaded hubby to park car so I could just have a little look.. :drool: :drool: :drool: 6 bettas, absolutely stunning 5 crowntails and 1 veil tail. £3.50 each I usually pay £5. no females. I asked the girl to reserve me one. We were going to this cheap shop at Potter Heigham so I got a really big plastic container for 97 pence and picked the betta up on way back to holiday home. He has had to have tropical flakes so he is a bit constipated but when he is settled I will post a piccie he is so beautiful. :lol: Hubby was astounded he reckons I have got a sixth sense and can sniff out aquatic centres! This small shop was fab, fish were really good, very old fashioned. Girl got betta out of tank with a big plastic cup so as not to stress him! :good:
Aww good to hear they were all ok Liz :D

Can't wait to see your new guy, not the usual hoilday momento :lol:
just tried to take his piccie but he isnt settled and I dont want to stress him. He is so beautiful. :drool: :drool:
Liz, you got a better souvenir of your holiday than some cheesy thing...and you must indeed be psychic when it comes to sensing the presence of bettas. :lol: We want photos when he's ready to make his debut online.
:crazy: trying to sort out proper tank for him and place to put him..could split one of my tanks but since that juvie got under divider and they had fisty cuffs sort of scared me! :/ did get a cheap heater whilst away..told hubby you must have a spare heater!! :lol: trying to get an OU assignment sorted as well!
I have lost my new boy! No, not really, my grown up son has fallen in love with him and has got the tank on his computer desk...hadnt really got any space left myself anyway! Here are 3 piccies of him...
"I like that bit of gravel!"
"Stop pointing that camera at me!"
"I have lost my fave bit of gravel now!"
:drool: :drool: :drool:
WOW! Gimme!!!!!

Its beautiful!
:hey: :hey: he is handsome, and is very feisty tries to nip your finger when you feed him. Swimming round his tank as if he has been there for ever! :lol: and NO you cant have him!
Been on holiday for 7 days. My sister came up a few days ago and gave all the bettas a couple of flakes. They are all OK all got lovely big bubble nests and very dirty tanks.

Whilst on holiday, Great Yarmouth ,I spotted a sign for an aquatic centre. Everso tiny place, but I persuaded hubby to park car so I could just have a little look.. :drool: :drool: :drool: 6 bettas, absolutely stunning 5 crowntails and 1 veil tail. £3.50 each I usually pay £5. no females. I asked the girl to reserve me one. We were going to this cheap shop at Potter Heigham so I got a really big plastic container for 97 pence and picked the betta up on way back to holiday home. He has had to have tropical flakes so he is a bit constipated but when he is settled I will post a piccie he is so beautiful. :lol: Hubby was astounded he reckons I have got a sixth sense and can sniff out aquatic centres! This small shop was fab, fish were really good, very old fashioned. Girl got betta out of tank with a big plastic cup so as not to stress him! :good:

I compliment you on your betta find.

About your hubby thinking you have a six sense for aquatic centers. There is actually a name for this phenomenon; but it's exact name escapes me right now. Its called something to the effect of "selective cognitive recollection".

As I understand it, it basically describes how people unconsciously become in tuned to notice things that would other wise be ignored.

A classic example would be how when you get a new car then notice how often you spot someone driving the same make and model car.

I bet being a betta hobbyist has you tuned in to noticing aquatic centers with a far greater sensitivity than your hubby or the average person.
gorgeous new boy! such a cute little face!

I compliment you on your betta find.

About your hubby thinking you have a six sense for aquatic centers. There is actually a name for this phenomenon; but it's exact name escapes me right now. Its called something to the effect of "selective cognitive recollection".

As I understand it, it basically describes how people unconsciously become in tuned to notice things that would other wise be ignored.

A classic example would be how when you get a new car then notice how often you spot someone driving the same make and model car.

I bet being a betta hobbyist has you tuned in to noticing aquatic centers with a far greater sensitivity than your hubby or the average person.

i have that for any fish tank. a sushi bar opened near me this week, within seconds of spotting it i just got over excited for the 3 enormous reef tanks they had in there, my bf thought i was going nuts.
my husband had to drag me out of our local bank the other day. they had a tank on the counter with a small goldfish in :( really poor thing. I was just about to say not a happy fish and hubby took me outside. Needless to say tank has now gone! :grr:

Not a happy Betta today am wondering if it too dark on computer desk...will keep an eye on him!
My new boy is very very quiet. I have done complete water change on all bettas bar one today. He is sitting near bottom and just keeps coming up for air. I dont think he has had a poo today he wont eat a pea just tried him. I think he ate a tiny snail this morning I saw it in his tank he was watching it then it wasnt there. Just leaving him as I know water is ok. Think he might be a bit stressed. :(

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