Piccies Of My Fish


Fish Crazy
Sep 28, 2006
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heres some piccies of my tank and fish. its the first time ive tried some of the techniques in the pinned threads.
Nice tank, love the puffers and the colour in your rams are wicked. Much nicer than mine.
Your golden nugget plec is awesome too, I was so tempted to get one. My LFS had one in stock, but sold now. Was £35.

Nice tank tho, are you changing to sand?
i got the plecos on a deal, the guy sold the two for £50 together. They were about £30 each originally. i love my plecos :) there was a royal pleco there that was slightly bigger for £40, yikes!

i do plan on changing to sand when i get the time to do so as i hate the colourful gravel.
im debating setting up a 76 gallon for a group of figure eights, but its not official yet,

yeh the ram is a really nice colour, i have another in there from another shop that isnt colourful at all, i think its a female. the colourful ram is male.

i really love my puffers, they have such cool personalities :)

thanks everyone for ur kind words :)
Nice pics.
The puffers are cute and im glad you are moving them. Im amazed that your betta and angels still have tales. Although the Angel does seem to be missing one of its "feeler thingys".
Your Ram is a German Blue Ram Mikrogeophagus ramirezi . One of the most beautiful freshwater fish in my opinion.
Love the plecs but the royal will get too big for your tank but im sure you know that.
i never actually noticed that about the angel! thats how i bought him.
the puffer fish havent chased anyone, the betta is in his own 5 gallon tank.

the guy in the lfs said the royal pleco are slow growers, but im planning on upgrading that tank also anyhow as i know he will get big :)

yes the puffers are definetely moving to a bigger tank on their own soon :)
Oh yes, sorry i didnt see where you said he was in a 5 gallon.
Yeah, Ive heard Royal's are slow growers too.

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