Piccies Of My Bettas


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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This is my boy only had him for 2 days he ws so stressed all the while and then he just died such a beauty as well


This is one of my bad boys who jumped the divider..he is not quite so handsome now but he is working on it.
He is either threatening the betta food or has seen a reflection in the packet!
What is that you had in the tank with your now departed Betta :rip: Liz2 It looks like an apple???? :kewlpics:
tee hee...all wrong it is an ornament like a green pipe with a hole in and the bettas swim thro it or hide in it and jump out at you.

Been to 2 fishy places this afternoon...first one was absolute rubbish tho they had some pretty tropical fantails ? but wouldnt have bought them. Second place a pets at home place had dead fish in every other tank..not a good advert
Awe, they are both lovely.

So sad to lose any Betta..(I just found a cockatoo floating in one of my cory tanks. Don't know why. :-( )

When a fish doesn't acclimate and dies, it's called failure to prosper.

So you have an empty tank? :hey:
No Sue, I dont have an empty tank. At the moment I have:-
a small pond with 8 big goldfish.
a coldwater in kitchen with 5 fancy in
1 tank in kitchen with my beautiful telescopic in but he has a growth so is by himself
1 small tank with a betta
1 bowl with a betta
1 bowl with another betta
Back room massive tank with 3 massive tropical in and loads of unwanted snails
front room one tank with red betta
upstairs 3 gal tank with one lone molly in.
forgot another fancy by himself 'cos he got picked on

at school where I work tank with 3 goldfish in :p but I still look for another betta as I just love them to bits!
Oops! I thought you were posting piccies of all your Betta.

More pics needed.

[I hate to find sick fish :X ]
one of my fancy fish in kitchen tank looks a bit dodgy! those fancy were supposed to be going to school but someone had pinched the spare tank! when they are at school I end up staying late to sort them out so I might as well have them at home! :lol:
I have had awful results keeping Fancies. I am giving that one up, beacuse they have all turned bottom up for weeks until they starve. It's very sad :-(

I paid a lot for them too. :X

But my common just keeps growing, eating, and pooing. My first fish B) :wub:

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