Pic of new tank

kaz petts

Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Ossett, nr Wakefield, West Yorks England
Hi all
Just set this tank up on a fishless cycle.


Sorry about pic quality but camera is a cheap thing.

Well spotted CS. Just as well it isn't a bad film that could have been quite embarrasing.

Still not sure what I am going to put in the tank but I have 2 weeks to decide.
I would still like a Betta but there is an awful lot of condradiction as to what I can put in with one. :rolleyes:
So at the moment I am still looking and asking questions.
I want a colourful tank though whatever I decide.
The tank is 10g UK.
I have been looking around for the last 3 days for ideas of what to put in.
I like guppies
sword tails
and anything else colourful execpt for the really small fish such as neons, and other small tetras
I am wanting an algae eater of some kind possibly an otto.
Will get a better pic of tank eventually, I can't win because it is near the window I either get reflection shining off the tank therefore not giving a nice pic or it is too dark and can't get a pic because the camera doesn't have a flash. :rolleyes:
I have about 13 days left to decide what is going in there. Out of curiosity I did a parameter check on the tank today, it has only been 1 day since I started it up and running.
Parameters were
Ammonia: 0
NitrIte: 0.25
Ph: 7.6
NitrAte: 0
Was rather surprised at these readings (I am not going to rush into this though and will wait until everything is at 0 apart from Ph.
What should Ph levels be on a tropical tank?
Your ph is pretty much going to be determined by your tap water unless you add peat, large bog wood or use products for changing it. Your ph look good to me, I wouldn't mess with it. You need only worry if it's way off for some special fish or you are wanting to breed some types of fish. Your lfs probably has the same levels as you so you should be ok. Just do some research about the fish you plan to stock with but your choices listed don't raise any red flags reguarding ph to me.


mine is 8 and I've no troubles so far :)

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