Pic Of Guppy Tank-any Feedback Please!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2007
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Sydney Australia
Took this pic about an hour ago. Getting there. Any feed back would be good. Sorry I couldnt get a better pic...this was taken from my phone. Cheers all :good:

Took this pic about an hour ago. Getting there. Any feed back would be good. Sorry I couldnt get a better pic...this was taken from my phone. Cheers all :good:

View attachment 43270
nice :good: how much water does it hold? have you had any fry yet?

Hi. Its a 73 litre tank & Ive had a few fry...I now have teenage fry Ive raised...They are about 4 months old. I also have young fry 2 weeks - 3 days old. I have a few more pregnant gups but tank is currently under treatment and fish are dropping off...I just hope I dont lose them all. All water stats are perfect just I purchased a fish with Columnaris and because the temps in my tank were risen...the bacteria bred fast and fish got sick fast. In the last week I have lost about 18 gups. Oh well this is a battle. I have another post about Columnaris in common livebearers if your interested in reading.

Regards, Cathy
I like it but it looks very busy. And crowded with everything in there. Maybe if the gravel wasnt so deep it would look like there was more space in there. Nice tank though and I hope you get your guppies better soon x
I like the breeding net a lot, it's big enough not to spook the mama fish too bad. There's plenty of plants though too so if you happen to miss one that's pregnant you will probably get some that survive! it's an ultimate guppy paradise IMO!
Nice tank, i wish i had a tank like that. Hope you have little fry to raise...
Nice tank, i wish i had a tank like that. Hope you have little fry to raise...

Thanks, Its taken me 3 years to get this tank...and because I have a great rapport with mlfs keeper he basically allowed me to pay my tank off...like a take home layby system. I had a small tank for awhile before this large one I had custom made for a wall-unit Ive had for a long time. I basically dont have space for another large piece of furniture so having a tank made for unit worked out better. My partner actually measured it all up and we took it to our lfs. It has now been set up for almost 2 months and unfortunatly its been a little battle for us both. Well a bigger battle than what we expected. Aidan just said " its been a F**kin nightmare". lol! Excuse the french! We are currently treating with Melafix for Columnaris and it seems to be killing the fish off. Today is day 4 of treatment...we have a few healthy looking gups...but they are still scratching and a couple look like they have developed more fungas and not improved at all. So the battle continues...well so it seems. I have fry in the net...probably about 12 at the moment as some have died off due to treatment. I have about 6 teenage gups left that we have raised from birth. One is a blue tuxedo male about 2cms in length. Hes my fav!

Anyway its a battle Im wanting to be over very soon. Its driving me crazy. Im about to write another post regarding what is currently happening and why? This morning I cant find one of my first guppy fry...her name is sexybabe and she is about 4 months old...she is in main tank and last night didnt look really good. I was thinking of culling her to stop her suffering....perhaps I should have...cause now she is lost in tank...either being eaten or dead stuck under something. Not good! My Poor babies! :sad:

Daisy and another pregnant female...not named yet.

I like the breeding net a lot, it's big enough not to spook the mama fish too bad. There's plenty of plants though too so if you happen to miss one that's pregnant you will probably get some that survive! it's an ultimate guppy paradise IMO!

Hi. I dont actually use the breeding net to put pregnant females into, its basically for fry only...its much too hard to catch gups in my tank specially when they are birthing as they hide in javaferns etc, so when we find babies in tank...we carefully catch them and they go into net for 4-8 weeks to eat without chasing food and grow. Its survival of the fittest, and by doing this im assured I have all the strong fiesty fry. I noticed when they go into main tank at 4-8 weeks depending on size...they quickly grow by swimming in current and eating off plants and rocks etc, but before this age they are simply food for bigger fish.

Some one replied saying the tank looks as though it has too many things in it....its actually a very wide tank and long and stands at only 25cms high...what it lacks in height it makes up for in legnth and width. The plants and hiding holes are for the fry when dropped, as Im trying to establish breeding guppies for mlfs. Hence the reason he helped me out with laybying tank. Too be honest there is not enough plants at the back of tank and I will be placing more in the next week...I had other plants in there but took them out when treated tank...they were floating type plants and short term plants for guppies to eat. The reason I have so much gravel is to ensure a thick bed for the gravel filter...Its so the fry cannot get sucked under also.

My orange tailed male guppy...he is blue, pink, purple etc in body..really awesome with a big orange tail.

I like it but it looks very busy. And crowded with everything in there. Maybe if the gravel wasnt so deep it would look like there was more space in there. Nice tank though and I hope you get your guppies better soon x

Hi. Pic dosnt show how the tank is set out properly due to a bad bad bad pic...taken from a camera phone. But Im actually adding more plants as there isnt enough...Im breeding gups and need the javaferns etc for fry to hide in until I see them and place into a breeding net to grow. I have tried taking other pics to give a different aspect of tank... Also my tank is very wide and long so the plants go all the way to back of tank starting at the sides and middle...I have a cliff rock and driftwood etc in the middle...and a few small plants at the front. I will show a pic of how it used to look when first started.

Tank at 1week set up...see fry in the net...

its looking good it gonna be great with the plants :D so post us a pic of it then :good:
I like it but it looks very busy. And crowded with everything in there. Maybe if the gravel wasnt so deep it would look like there was more space in there. Nice tank though and I hope you get your guppies better soon x

as babybell911 said the gravel is too deep, but its a nice guppy tank matey with plenty of plants incase you miss any.
I suppose if you need the thick gravel then thats fair enough just looks like it takes up a lot of space. Ultimate heaven for guppies and fry though! I like it x
I suppose if you need the thick gravel then thats fair enough just looks like it takes up a lot of space. Ultimate heaven for guppies and fry though! I like it x

Yeh I was kinda annoyed I had to place so much gravel....but hey if its going to save the fry...then YIPPPPEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I love it. lol! Sorry Im a little nutty today. Alot of people say no gravel is best with fry in tank as they get sucked under....But I have noticed that the colour gravel I have the fry can hide so easily in it...and all you can see of them is two black eyes. So I say yes to gravel. The original tank was only sposed to be 20cms tall but was made at 25cms tall...as its custom made for wall unit. Lucky the extra 5cms...cause thats pretty much how much we lost with gravel. Phew!!!

Pic of tank from different angle


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