Photos Of My New Fish


Fish Herder
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
Just got some quick snaps before the lights went off tonight. Any clues as to sex of any of them?






Thats because i miss spelt my name in the link to my website! DOH! Its working now though
nice fishes nice tank well i know nothing about sexing though so sorry :p
The Cichlids all look like males to me apart from the third photo down which may be a female.

Cardinal Tetras are a bit tricky but look for the deeper bodied, larger ones, they are usualy the females.

The Cichlids all look like males to me apart from the third photo down which may be a female.

Cardinal Tetras are a bit tricky but look for the deeper bodied, larger ones, they are usualy the females.


Thanks, not bothered about the sex of the cardinals though....sexing 50 of them is a bit OTT i think :p
anyone with tips of how i can take such decent pics with my cam? the focus is usually awful when i attempt them
anyone with tips of how i can take such decent pics with my cam? the focus is usually awful when i attempt them

If you have a compact type camera, it will be very difficult. What you need to do, is find something which is approximatly the same distance away as the fish is.....i.e. if your tank is 1m in width (from you to the wall), and your fish hang about right in the middle, then focus on an object outside the tank which is .5m away. Press the shutter half way down....this should (dependant on the camera of course) 'lock' the focus at that distance. Then, with the button still pressed, swing the camera around, aim at the fish, and press the button all of the way down!

That will sort the focus, but i imaine you will then have issues with the fish moving too fast etc etc.

I was actually going to write a post about tips for getting good photos, but given that i dont think my ones are that great (as my camera kit is not designed for close up photography), i wasnt sure people would appreciate it haha. Althogh i know everythign to do, its just that i cant do it with my £2k worth of camera kit!!
great tank with really healthy fish, loving your rams :good:


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