Photos Of My Babies!


New Member
Jan 3, 2007
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Here's some of my babies :wub: My tank is still at the beginning stages, but this is what I have so far. It's been hard work up till now as I bought the tank 2nd hand and worked hard to keep these fishies alive. But now it's all down hill and I can start to add to my tank :nod:

My tank as it is currently:

My neon gobies:

Another pic of my gobies:


A little crab with a scrimp on it's shell :wub:
I dont know what those are but they are not neon gobys......

Other than thaat looks good love the cowre
Neat lookin things, but not quite neon gobies. Not sure what they are actually :unsure:
Close, everyone, but no cigar. :lol:

It is neither a Goby nor a Blenny; it is taxed (?) in a monotypic family, but I can't remember the name of it. :blush:

Common names include Engineer "Goby" and Engineer "Blenny"; 'Engineer' because they supposedly topple rock formations.

I will certainly have to see about getting me a couple of those when my new setup goes up :wub:


The juveniles of this species mimic the venomous Coral Catfish in appearance and habit. :drool:
Common names include Engineer "Goby" and Engineer "Blenny"; 'Engineer' because they supposedly topple rock formations.

They do love to excavate the tank! Every morning I go down to see what they've been up to during the night :rolleyes:
i thought they were convict blennys? i have 1 and i bought it as a convict.

but the little git has dug under all my rock, from 1 end of the tank to the other!

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