Photography Forums


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hey Everyone, alright, do any of you members run or are a member of a photogrphy forum. If you are, and the forum gives you alot of good advice, and easy to use, such a TFF, then could you please give me a link, as photography is a hobby of mine, and it would be great to learn alot about photography. :hyper:
OMG...Your so obsessed with that photoshop. Gosh...This isnt even supposed to be in this section I think. -_- . Just search on google "photography Forums"...
Miagi lady...I've known him for a long time... If he read it he would understand because we've been talking about the same subject on AIM for an hour. Keep to yourself... :p , JK. yeah im not a very productive person... :look:
Miagi lady...I've known him for a long time... If he read it he would understand because we've been talking about the same subject on AIM for an hour. Keep to yourself... :p , JK. yeah im not a very productive person... :look:

No, I didnt no it was a personal joke, my apologies. :*)
thanks everyone!! um yea i will definatly check all of them out, i jsut really wanted somethying that i could learn from, and i wanted it to remind me of TFF, thanks, and cyber ninja is jsut angry cause i ask alot of questions :D (Digital Photography Review) is a great resource for digital photographers. They have everything from in-depth camera reviews to current news to brand specific forums. I have learned a huge amount of information from this website. :snap:

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