Photo Request: Scratching Posts


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
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Berkeley, CA, USA
I know that many of you that have indoor cats also have scratching and activity posts set up in your home. I'm going to need something along those lines in my new apartment, but I'm not sure of how I want to integrate it with my furniture. I'd love to see example pics of how you guys have things set-up in your home, especially those of you who also live in apartments/flats.
No pics, but I have a scratching post that hangs from a doorknob and other stuff, my cat loooves scartching on it and it really doesn't take up much room.
i'm not satisfied (and neither is kitty) with the smaller scratching blocks and whatnot. they just aren't long enough for her to get a good stretch--thus the sofa is occasionally sacrificed. :/ i'm really interested to see what sort of free-standing setups people have.
you dont need furniture, kitty needs all the room :lol:
Not exactly a full shot because I didn't intend to get the cat scratch palace in, but it's rather hard to miss it in my tiny study (front right hand corner) lol

Never used scratching posts, just left long peices of 2by 4 laying around in the garden and in her outdoor room.
we made our own with a bit of 8" diameter fencing pole and some good tought rope wrapped around it with wood at top and bottom for support. Stands about 3ft tall.
Ok, I just took these pics about 5 minutes ago, so please ignore the mess. The cat tree is around 5 feet tall. As you can see, Mr. Bailey is extremely annoyed I'm taking pictures, though that didn't stop him from laying back down and snoozing once I was done.



Moooom I was sleeping!

Poor guy barely fits in the top, but he loves it.

Look lady, I don't take pictures of you when you're sleeping!

Hope I helped, any excuse to post pics though. :blush: :good:
we're really short on space so we've just got a little free standing one, maybe a foot tall. It sits infront of the marine tank and annoys me cos i have to move it round all the time to get in to their food and stuff!
No pics at the moment because my camera is in my car and I don't feel like going to get it, but my cats have a small cat tree thingy (maybe 3') covered in carpet with a hiding box at the bottom, which they never use, and a rope-covered post that leads up to a platform at the top. They LOOOOVE scratching the carpet, especially when they are on a tear through the apartment, in the mood to play. They also have a slanted cardboard scratcher like this one that sits on the floor which they use when they are in a calmer mood and really want to do claw maintenance:
I think first you need to guage what the cat likes to use and where. We did have one of those cheap post-on-a-box-with-a-platform-on-top ones, but he sat on it once too often and it broke.... It might just be easier to find wherethe cat scratches and protect it with old bits if carpet or whatever- try as you might to give them somewhere better, a lot of the time they ignore it and carry on ruining the furniture.
cat A likes the sofa and any other upholstered item with a corner :rolleyes: cat B used to restrain herself to just clawing the textured wallpaper in the living room :look: both are partial to a bit of carpet clawing once in a while.

i really like the slanted box thing synirr! it looks like something worth trying, in any case. (if i were a cat, i'd scratch that :p)

i'm still pretty certain that i'd want a cat tree/playset since this kitty is highly active. i feel guilty about keeping just her, but cat B is not long for this world :-( and my parents aren't up to spending extra time with cat A once that happens. acquiring a cat C is in their minds largely out of the question. since i personally like cats more than i like sleep, cat A is flying out with me when i move! i'm hoping that installing a thing to climb on, hide in, and scratch at will help burn some of that extra energy. ditto for installing some sort of bench for her to sit on and watch the fishies.
I know that many of you that have indoor cats also have scratching and activity posts set up in your home. I'm going to need something along those lines in my new apartment, but I'm not sure of how I want to integrate it with my furniture. I'd love to see example pics of how you guys have things set-up in your home, especially those of you who also live in apartments/flats.

I am my cats' scratching post. :lol:

Seriously, though. I don't currently have a scratching post. My Turkish angora is also too long for the standard sizes and she can't get a good stretch, so I use an old carpet. It is actually the carpet inside our front door anyways, so we don't really care if it's ratty looking. I trained her to scratch on it when I first got her. When we have company, we switch it out to something nicer and she doesn't scratch that. I recently did see a large kitty gym that was reasonable priced. The post is quite long enough for Lily and should serve my new cats well, as I don't think they are as smart as her. It is similar to the one Bloo has pictured and sold at PetSupermarket for around $130. For one cat, I wouldn't see making the investment, but for 4, at $30 a piece and with hiding places and scratching places galore, it is a good deal.

llj :)
I know that many of you that have indoor cats also have scratching and activity posts set up in your home. I'm going to need something along those lines in my new apartment, but I'm not sure of how I want to integrate it with my furniture. I'd love to see example pics of how you guys have things set-up in your home, especially those of you who also live in apartments/flats.

I am my cats' scratching post. :lol:

Seriously, though. I don't currently have a scratching post. My Turkish angora is also too long for the standard sizes and she can't get a good stretch, so I use an old carpet. It is actually the carpet inside our front door anyways, so we don't really care if it's ratty looking. I trained her to scratch on it when I first got her. When we have company, we switch it out to something nicer and she doesn't scratch that. I recently did see a large kitty gym that was reasonable priced. The post is quite long enough for Lily and should serve my new cats well, as I don't think they are as smart as her. It is similar to the one Bloo has pictured and sold at PetSupermarket for around $130. For one cat, I wouldn't see making the investment, but for 4, at $30 a piece and with hiding places and scratching places galore, it is a good deal.

llj :)

i have been concerned about the standard heights. cat A is a manx and thus has an exceptionally long "torso" for her size. i think that's one of the reasons she's not too fond of the "cactus" style scratching post my parents have. $130 would be a stretch all at once, but if i purchase it in pieces over the course of several months... like i said, i feel a bit guilty about taking her, so i want to get her a great cat-thingie.

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