Phosphate Problem


Aug 20, 2010
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I tested my Phosphate level today and it's 1.0 ppm which if I go by the instructions on the test kit I must times this by 3 to allow for Phosphate in the substrate and rock which I think it why my leather coral and mushroom are looking ill.

Now I have added some Rowaphos to my skimmer media chamber but what else could I do to lower the level?

I don't have a sump my setup is as follows:

Juwel 260
HOB Deltec MCE600 skimmer
Ehiem pro 3 external filter
27kg of live rock

I did a 20% water change on Tuesday.

Consider buying a reactor and feed less?

Seffie x

Feeding less I have started, I think I do over feed a bit (who doesn't) as for reactor I don't know much about them. How do they work, can I connect it to my external ehiem filter? and what do you recommend?

Is what I use with phosban, and gives me zero Phos ;)

Is what I use with phosban, and gives me zero Phos ;)

Will this rector work if I connect it to my ehiem instead of having another seperate pump?
I guess with some diy skills you could do it however I wouldnt try. First the eheim flow is going to be way more than you need so you will nee a tap to regulate it plus there will be the issues when you have to disconnect to change the media etc.

The pump I have put up before is only the size of a box of matches so not very imposing in your system ;)
I guess with some diy skills you could do it however I wouldnt try. First the eheim flow is going to be way more than you need so you will nee a tap to regulate it plus there will be the issues when you have to disconnect to change the media etc.

The pump I have put up before is only the size of a box of matches so not very imposing in your system ;)

Thanks for the info, still considering the Ehiem way though as my Ehiem comes with a built in flow regulator allowing me to speed up for slow down the flow, will do some investigation.

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