Phosphate Levels II


New Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Firstly thanks to all those who replied to my original 'Phosphate Levels' post.

Thought I'd let know the solution I implemented:-

After Dolphins' post mentioning peat I looked into this and after various suggestions tried the cheapest solution first. I put a load of tap water into a container, then added one handfull of peat (garden center peat, cost about £5) per gallon to an old pillow case, I secured the pillow case and added it to the container.

After three days the Ph of the water had dropped to 6.8, so I removed the peat. The water is very slighlty yellow but not really enough to notice when in the tank. Next time i make a batch of water up I'll either use more peat or leave it for longer to get the ph down to the 6.5 I was wanting.

I also changed my water de-chlorinator as the one I was using also contianed phosphates. So now so I now have safe water at ph 6.8 with low levels of phosphate for realitively little cost and effort.

I've added some of the water to my current 12 gallon tank and the inhabitants have shown no ill affects as yet.

Thanks again,


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