

Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
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Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
One of the female black phantoms has been doing all the same things that the last one that got dropsy did. Except first she got listless, lost some color, stopped eating, then it was days before she started the gulping. She also has white poo sometimes. It seems like a wasting disease. She is from the same original group that the first 2 that died of dropsy were from.

Now after reading that 80% of FW fish carry tuberculosis (can anyone verify this?) :dunno: I am wondering if she really has TB and maybe the others did too and the dropsy was secondary?

The other fish are fine, normal eating, normal poo, look normal. The last phantom with these symptoms I treated with Maracyn-2 survived but didn't get much better and the minute I stopped antibiotics, she died, so I don't have much faith in that curing this one.

What do you guys think? Water levels are okay, I also do PWC every week as always. Just changed a filter last week, they are not dirty, I don't change the filter sponge in back to keep bacteria going, just pluck any big debris off.

Fish TB is much more common then it used to be because of the very poor hygiene levels at the intensive fish breeding stations. 80% though seems wildly excessive. Certain groups of fish, gouramies for example, and Dwarfs in particular, that may well be the case. Fish TB typically demonstrates lumps on the body which can errupt into open sores which does not match what you describe.

(Fish TB can be passed to humans by the way. Never handle fish suspected of having TB that have open sores if you have cuts on your hands.)

The wasting and the white faeces suggests an infection of the digestive tract. This could be bacterial or parasitic, it is very difficult to diagnose these things even if the fish ios in front of you.

I would isolate the fish as it is possible that the condition could be contagious.

Treating can be difficult. Maracyn is and anti-bacterial agent. If the problem is parasitic, it will not help, and in any case, it needs to reach the digestive tract. Normally Maracyn is used to treat topical bacterial problems. You may want to try Maracide/Sterazin etc. instead which are anti parasitic.

There are preparations you can get to put in the food to reach the gut, but they tend to be rather expensive and difficult to use.
Phantom is still among us. I was going to freeze her to end it, but since she seems to want to hang on, I am willing to try. -_-

I got something recommended by the LFS (do I have "sucker" written on my forehead?) called Clout that is supposed to treat a broad spectrum of parasites. They got the first dose today. LFS says they treat their incoming fish with it, so I hope it is okay to treat the others. They have been exposed and someone else may be carrying something, so I just am treating the whole tank.

I do a PWC weekly, my nitrates aren't even high in that tank, so I don't see water quality as an issue. Just wish I could figure out what this is we are fighting. :dunno:

Thanks for you help. I'll let you know what happens.
Clout is Aquarium Products strongest external parasite treatment. It is for the most severe cases of external parasites. (They have three strength levels: Aquari-Sol, Quick Cure, and Clout.)

There are medicated foods now by Jungle. I have used the anti-bacterial. I soaked them first in Garlic Xtreme and some aquarium water because it was for neons, and they are hard, crunchy bites. The fish didn't love it but they are fed exclusively, so they made do. There is an anti-parasite one.

You can also soak food in some meds to get it internal. I would call the techs at a product's 800 # first.

I also have a major on-line supplier who's techs I call for med and treatment advise.

I'm sorry for your loss. I know you have enjoyed your phantoms. :sad:

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