Phantom air stones???


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
I just set up a sand bottom tank, and right now there is only a layer of gravel, 1-2 inches of sand, and some air stones in random places.

I noticed a stream of bubbles coming up from places that there isnt any airstones.

Could the sand still be settleing, or is there air traveling under the sand from the air stones?
I'm a bit confused, are the air stones under the gravel? If not I would say your suspicion that the substrate is settling is correct. It seems too early for anaerobic bacteria to have grown in.
Boy, that's more of a mystery then. Is it still going on? Are the phantom bubbles at a higher level than the airstone?
Some are at the back of the tank... which is higher than 1 stone, and the others are below the other airstones.
unfortunately, i have put my decorations in, and of course, on top of where the largest bubble stream is. Silly me. I will have to stir up the sand later this evening. I am at job # 2 now. lol. busy me. I'll let you know what happened tomorrow.
oh, ok never mind if it was the wood one i would say thats weird because they should make small bubbles that would go through the sand... but since it is this one it amkes large bubbles which haev to go through the sand and find a place were they can get through... i think :)
I havent noticed any more of the bubbles. I havent been able to sit and watch my tank for very long lately. I think im going to take it as the sand was still settling and be happy with that. lol.

Thanks for all the help guys

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