Ph too low keeps dropping


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2005
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I jsut can't keep the PH up in my Marine Fish only tank

This has been happening for about a year now locking at 7.8

Have tried PH buffers and all the suggested chemical remedies.

Although tank has loads of live rock, there are a couple of big peieces of ocean rock , could this be the cause?


HEy Sam,

Here is a simple solution for you.

Without knowing your tank size and all the other specifics, I am going to reach into my magic hat for the answer.

Most folk keep lids on their tanks, and then don't have enough water movement to promote gas exchange. If you live in a newer home, the air quality in your house is also less than optimal, for you and your fish.

Try putting an airstone in your tank. The bubbles will help dissipate built up CO2, and raise your ph level.

If this works, grt back to me on follow up solutions.

If it doesn't work, provide more info on tank size and type of water and salt you are using etc...and we can go from there.

Hi Great,

Just passed that on to BF who does all the maintainenece really( I mainly choose fish and demand more tanks lol)

He has tried ariating and an open top.It didn't work
Tried adding Kalkwasser.It brings it up but within 2 or 3 days back to normal
Has tried every PH buffer/additive he can find.Either don't work or its drops back in 2-3 days

Tank details- Rio 180 full marine set up.Live rock fish only.Salt - have been using TMC now using Red Sea- same problem
Salinty 1.024


10 Hours Lighting NO tubes

Internal Jewel filter external Eheim wet dry filter, UV steriliser, Protein skimmer

Loads of live rock 4 pieces of dead rock(shop called it ocean rock)


What you have is a situation that is not too alarming actually.

7.8 is a bit on the low side for PH, but for the most part, your fish should remain healthy if it is stable at that level.

Have you tried plain old baking soda? This would also raise your alkalinity reading, Ideally, I would like to see it 10 to 11. This would also help buffer and stabilize your ph. The Soda solution works wonders for me.

You can even determine the amount regularly needed and disolve it in your top off water jug, thus making the dose smaller and more regular.

When one starts a marine tank, there are always some headscratchers at the outset. But once you get used to the routine that each tank develops, it becomes easy as pie.


How much should I put in for the first try.
What are your thoughts on crushed coarl, there is another thread running about a discus tank.Some people say it makes it higher some say lower.

To increase KH, I add one half level teaspoon per 10 litres. (yes, KH, not ph, so you'll need a little more to start playing with the ph). Be very careful when trying to up your PH with bicarb. Don't add it directly to the tank and beware ph shock.
Baking Soda Dosing

To raise 50 gallons of tank water by 1 meq/L will require about 16 grams of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate; sodium hydrogencarbonate). Since a level teaspoon of baking soda weighs just under 6 grams, then 1 teaspoon will raise the alkalinity in that 50 gallons by ~0.4 meq/L (~1 dKH).

Dissolve your calculated dosage to raise you Alk to 11 in a separate jug of water, and top off your tank for a few days with it.

This will slowly raise your hardness and keep your ph steadier, or possibly raise it.

Your 7.8 reading is the bottom of the scale, but still acceptable. the lower ph readings have the greatest impacts on stony corals.


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