ph setter


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2003
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iv got somer proper ph 7.0 and i was wondring if its safe to use a phosphate buffer with live plants ? my ph is sky rocketing and i need to sort it somehow
Before you sort out the ph, find out why it's rocketing. Ph is normally stable in tap water and doesn't differ much. Why is yours rocketing?
I agree, proper ph is nothing but a band-aid solution and not very stable. Better to figure out what's going on in your tank.

Don't know if it's safe for plants, but the manufacturer should be able to help you, have you tried their website?
well my ph has gone from 6.8 to 7.6 in a few days and i havnt changed ne thing :S
It's probably the co2 being driven out of the water, this tends to cause a rise in ph, sometimes more then others. Let us know if it continues to rise - 7.6 is fine for your fish.
yeh i had a co2 diffuser in and iv just taken it out. thanx alot the ph is going well now dropping towards 7
yeh i had a co2 diffuser in and iv just taken it out. thanx alot the ph is going well now dropping towards 7
Woah, wait a second...

If you were adding CO2, and aren't now, then your pH should rise.

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