PH Query


New Member
May 31, 2005
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Glasgow, Scotland
My PH appears to have suddenly jumped from its usual 7.2 to 8! :blink:

When I tested my tap water last week, it was 6.4, but all the daily tests from the tank since then have the PH as 7.2.

I'm a bit confused - any explanations? Should I be worried?
Have you made any alterations to the tank?

Adding an airstone or limestone rocks can cause the pH to rise.
How long has the tank been set up.
Hi - thanks for getting back to me!

I've made no changes at all. The last water change was 20% on 29 May. Readings:-

Usually Now
PH 7.2 8
KH 3-6 3
GH 6-10 6
NO2 1 1
NO3 10 10
Am 0 0

Nothing has been changed, and the fish seem fine...I'm confused!
If your tank is cycling it will be all over the place the ph.
I knew to expect amonia and nitrite spikes, but didn't realise the PH would jump about as well! So this is just normal then? I'll keep a close eye on things.
shemesh said:
I knew to expect amonia and nitrite spikes, but didn't realise the PH would jump about as well! So this is just normal then? I'll keep a close eye on things.
Until the tank is finished cycling (I assume you are fishless cycling), I wouldn't even test the pH. If you are cycling with fish though, keep a very close eye on the pH as swings like you mentioned (7.2 to 8.0) can be more harmful to the fish than the ammonia and nitrite.
If you are fishless cycling, ie adding ammonia, the ammonia will form ammonium hydroxide which is a base and will increase your pH. This will then drop down as the ammonia is degraded by the bacteria. This is no problem as you have no fish in there.
I went back and read one of your posts and noticed in the last line that you said the fish are fine so you are cycling with fish. Even though the tank is still cycling, I can't imagine what could cause such a swing with the fish in the tank. Keep a very close check on the pH as any changes are logrithmic, ie a change of 1 is actually a change of 10. Any swing of more than .2 or .4 is enough to send fish into pH shock and kill them.
What about Shemesh's fluctuating KH & GH?

Does anyone have any info on this?

I've never seen this in any of my tanks!
Thanks for the info, guys!

I've tested again today and the PH seems to have dropped to 7.6, KH 3-6, GH 10, NO2 0, NO3 10 and amonia 0. I use the test strips, so can't be sure they're totally accurate.

I want to invest in a proper Master Test kit. Can anyone recommend a good one? And a good online store?
shemesh said:
I use the test strips, so can't be sure they're totally accurate.

Oh I see! Sorry :*) , I thought your KH & GH were fluctuating after reading your post. That was a new one on me!

Good luck!
They do seem to fluctuate slightly eg between 3 and 6 one day, and 3 the next (KH) and GH between 6 and 10 one day, down to 6 the next day, up to 10 today!

They seem slight changes to me, but I'm still very new to this and learning every day.
Actually, pH, KH & GH should remain very constant so I don't understand what is causing your swings. I would definitely suggest the liquid test kits. They are much more accurate. Here's the test kit I have (the master kit). You can also get the KH & GH kits too. They work very well. Also, if you print the page out and take it to the local Petsmart, they will match the online price. I think the Master Kits are about $10 higher in the store without the printout.

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