pH problems


New Member
Apr 13, 2003
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Well i'm having problems with my pH. It's testing in the yellow (wich is obviously not good) and the pet store keeps telling me to just change most of the water and it should fix it. So i went and changed a little more than half the water and guess what, it's still testing in the yellow. So i went back to the pet store and you guessed it, i was told to change the water again but this time to take my fish out and vacuum my gravel. Now i have doubts about changing part of the water again, so what should i do?

I'm not sure but I believe that you should keep doing daily 25% water changes and clean the gravel at the same time, and testing each day before and after the water changes.
I would be leary about removing all the fish, unless you have another tank with the same water conditions that you can relocate them to as this could cause more I was saying... I would be leary about removing all the fish, unless you have another tank with the same water conditions that you can relocate them to as this could cause more stress thanthey are already feeling.
Have you tested your local waters Ph. ? Or has your Water company (city) done anything different with their water treatment%

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