Ph Probelm in cycling tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 19, 2004
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ok i tested my water before i added ammonia today..

Sept 14
PH 6.0 or below (dam)
ammonia was 0 added 3ppm
nitrite .8ppm
nitrate 40ppm
Temp 78..

should i take out all my Driftwood??

or add limestone rock?

nitrites are falling.. so im at the later end of cycle..

But i must tell you that this driftwood kicks a$$ at lowering PH lol.. since my tap water is 7.6-7.8 after 2 days of sitting..

but 1 concern is when i add fish doesn't that effect ph.. they deplete oxygen so doesn't that drop ph more? yet my plants are in there absorbing the Co2.. i thought they would stablize the ph by adding O2 to system..

and what about fishies pee and poo? does that effect ph as well??
Don't worry about it yet, this happens when you fishless cycle really hard, all that biological activity uses up the buffers. The water changes you do when you are through to lower the nitrates will also stabilize the Ph at a higher level, probably .2 to .4 below your tapwater when you take the driftwood into account. After doing enough water changes to get your nitrates under 20ppm, if the Ph is still extremely low, post again. Obviously wait until your nitrite reads zero (which should be any day now) before you start with the water changes. You may want to add a pinch or two of fish food to the tank at this point to ensure that the bacteria that convert organic waste are in the tank before you get your fish. Hang in there, you are almost ready! :thumbs:
luxum ,

You've been a great help!!! thanks a ton!!!

will keep ya posted.. :D

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