Ph Level


Oct 27, 2002
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I done a PH around 18:00 GMT. And the colour was a pale pink/light pink.. The chart that i have doesn`t really showing this reading.. so im a little worried. I use the following test kit:
Ok, this might sound really basic and silly, but I gather the test kit is for a pH higher than 7.0 leading towards 9.0? the box should stipulate the readings at which it is affective.

What value does the light pink actually resemble (or nearest too) on the chart?

Is the test kit new? Have you washed it thoughly?

(Basics i know, just gotta ask. My kits can be quite misleading if i havnt washed thouroughly).
Ok, this might sound really basic and silly, but I gather the test kit is for a pH higher than 7.0 leading towards 9.0? the box should stipulate the readings at which it is affective.

What value does the light pink actually resemble (or nearest too) on the chart?

Is the test kit new? Have you washed it thoughly?

(Basics i know, just gotta ask. My kits can be quite misleading if i havnt washed thouroughly).

i have that kit.. it has 2 ph testers.. normal and high range.. have you tried both?

Actually, looking again, i think mine had 8 bottles, so maybe you need a different PH tester.. basically ignore me and listen to the last message :D .. i'll shut up now.

No it as one PH tester, Nitrate/ Nitrite ammonia.

The tubes have been washed thouroughly with r/o and then the tank water that is being tested. its lighter then what thwe chart gives But because its really light it couldnt be close to 8.2 8.3 as the reading should appear browner not pinker..

Ok, this might sound really basic and silly, but I gather the test kit is for a pH higher than 7.0 leading towards 9.0? the box should stipulate the readings at which it is affective.

What value does the light pink actually resemble (or nearest too) on the chart?

Is the test kit new? Have you washed it thoughly?

(Basics i know, just gotta ask. My kits can be quite misleading if i havnt washed thouroughly).

check ot the 2nd card on the pic, the 2nd colour from the bottom of the chart. its lighter then that. and that is the brightest, as the bottom colour on the chart seems to be darker hope you can see what i mean..
IMO I would get a hold of a Salifert pH test Kit

Loads better than the matsre ones IMO

so if the ph is at a higher alkalinity.. i shud then introduce co2 to reduce the PH, as i may have miscaluated the about of ph buffer i added to the system - or would adding too much PH buffer have the opposite effect???
What type of buffer are you using? I wouldn't introduce CO2 into the tank without having some type of ph monitor on the tank so that you could see when to turn off your CO2. PH monitors are expensive up front, but are VERY nice to have, especially when you start needing precies ph monitoring when adjusting dosages of different elements. If you aren't willing to get a ph monitor, then spend the money on a top of the line ph test kit..on second thought, get both :nod:
Hi...I have a Pinpoint pH monitor in my nano. Reads pretty darn close to my liquid pH test kit and it's the same one ..API. The liquid test kit is usually not off by 0.1 SH
So im just better of buying something else to test the water with. the reading i have now i just don`t know what to do with. i cannot get hold of aanother test kit tell next week. stress!!!!
That is a decent test kit, I have the same one although I have added a few extra tests with it. First that is a high PH test which you will need for salt water. If you have a freshwater kit it comes with both the high and low PH tests. You may want to go out and get the low test kit so you know exactly where your PH is at.

I believe your PH is too low. You can fix this a couple different ways, but the best is to add a PH buffer. What type of filtration do you have? My brother buffers his PH up by using crushed coral in his filter and its probably the easiest short term solution. You really need to know where the PH is at so you know what you're dealing with.

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