PH and DH


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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i have 2 tanks that im looking at concering the PH and DH, the first is my 55G

this includes
1 kenyi,1 red zebra,3 kribs,4 yellow labs,1 frontosa which prefer minium of 10dh and want a around 8.0 PH

well then i also have a pictus cat in that tank who doesnt prefer those conditions but i have been told and seen by several people that they have pictus in african tanks

i have considered raising the PH but the fish seem fine in it the hardness is what i would liek to change or stay at since the pictus but if he pictus cats can handle a 8-12 dh i would change it, my current is 6dh

and then i have 29G

this consists of 1 blue ram and 5 julii corys

the dh is 5 and ph is 7.5 do rams "NEED" a below or close to 7.0 to breed?

i dont really want ot change the conditions due to stressing the fish but would liek to breed the rams and labs, possibly the corys and kribs also but not first priority


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