PH and Amonia


New Member
Apr 26, 2004
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When do i test the ph and amonia?
I have tested thePh before i put my fish in the tank today and it was 7.5 so i got it down to 7.0 .
When do i need to test again? everyday?
And when do i test the amonia?
I am going to buy an amonia testing kit and stuff to neutralise it tommorow so any help would be greatly appreciated

Are you just starting a new tank? Has it been cycled yet? A ph of 7.5 is not a bad thing. I know some say that it has to be 7.0 but by altering the chemistry of your water by using additives you may actually be setting up the tank for a PH crash later on. There is no need to alter the ph from 7.5 unless you have a specific reason to do so. Most fish will easily adjust to this level.
If the tank has not been cycled then test for ammonia daily and if it gets over 1 ppm do a 15-20% water change using dechlorinated water. The ph you can measure less often, weekly or even longer than that.

the important thing is to let us know the answers to the questions so that we can give you more specific help. Also what size of aquarium and how many and what type of fish? :)
Ok by cycled you mean leave your tank running without fish dont you??
Well if you do then yeah i have done i t.
I need to buy he amonia testing ki and everything!
But i have no money for a good 3 weeks is that too dangerous or can i get away with it if i clean the filter twice a week and feed the fish with just enough to feed them? oh and i have a tiny little frog in my tank, so what should i feed that? and how much? also if i do a slighly larger water change. Could it be possile to go 3 weeks until i get paid??

I think reading This would be good also there are several other great pinned articles in the same area of the forum as this article. If you are interested in African Dwarf Frogs i believe Inchworm is the local expert in that area HTH :)
oh and i have a tiny little frog in my tank, so what should i feed that?

Hey Tropicana. Welcome to fishkeeping.

I can't recommend anything more important then this: In the future make sure you do research on your pets before bringing them home, that way you will know in advance whether you can provide a proper home for them, and what you need in order to provide it.

Whatever you do, don't touch the filter for at least a full month or your tank won't cycle properly. Read as much as you can on cycling and biological filtration.

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