Ph "acid Buffer" Better Than "discus Buffer" Lower


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Aug 5, 2008
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I don't have Discus, but do have quite a few SA rainforest fish that prefer water in the 7 pH range.

am I right in this??

My local water is pretty hard (8 or slightly higher) and wanted to loewr the pH for the health and happiness of these fish that I've come to love.

The owner of a FS told me to use Seachem Discus Buffer to adjust the pH down....but now, someone WAY more knowledgeable at a different FS (no longer available) tells me that Seachem Acid Buffer is far better.

Can anyone explain why that is (I went and bought 2 large bottle of the Discus Buffer when first told that by the 1st FS owner.
Here are the products and explanations for each by Seachem:
Seachem "Discus Buffer":
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Seachem "Acid Buffer":
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Does anyone understand why the 2nd product is much more what is needed to keep the water "buffered" low, please?
By the looks of it the discus buffer has a few more ingredients in it. The acid buffer is simply used to drop the PH. The discus one drops the PH and GH.

Unless you are keeping wild caught fishes you don't really have to lower the PH that much. Most fish that are captive bred will tolerate all sorts of conditions.
unless they are wild caught fish they don't really need a low ph, anything to ph7.6 or so will be fine.

Most buffers add phosphates and increase the tds to a point that makes the water worse (for softwater fish) than the original & are IME best avoided.

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