PetSmart's response


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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some of you will remember this thread

well I sent them an e-mail and I was very suprised to recieve a response to that e-mail today.

Here is their response I'm actually rather satisfied with it.

Dear Mr. xxxx,

Thank you for spending the time to send us an E-Mail about our plant tank, your concern about the fish in the tank, and the information that you overheard being given to other customers.

You did not include your phone number or address in your E-mail, so I have asked that this message be forwarded to you. If you would like to talk to me personally, please don't hesitate to call me at npa-nxx-xxxx. Or, if you wish, you can discuss the situation with the manager of our aquatics department, Axxxxx Xxxxxx.

If sounds as if you know a lot about fish and are concerned about the treatment of the fish in the plant tank.
Since we are also concerned about the health and wellfare of any animal in our store, we isolated several fish that were returned by a customer prior to re-introducing them back into the main tank. Any time that a fish is moved, we would take care to acclimate them properly. The few fish that you saw have since been moved. The temperature in the plant tank today was 78 degrees. The tank is heated, but when the temperature can change when we clean the tank or do water changes.

You said that you overheard part of a conversation with another customer where a pleco was being suggested to help with an algae problem. You are correct about the potential adult size of a plecostomus. But it is an easy species to care for since it is realtively unfussy about water chemistry, although it will not thrive where there is a build-up of nitrogenous waste. And it is a interesting species, giving variety to a tank. It would be several years before a pleco would have to be transfered to a larger tank. Chinese Algae Eaters can also grow to 10 inches in length, too large for a 10 gallon tank. But Chinese Alges Eaters also get to be more territorial than plecos.

You also mention another incident with a customer buying several black phantom tetras, who also had a 20 gallon tank in their shopping cart. Since we didn't hear the entire conversation and people normally like a variety of fish in their tank, I think that it is likely that those tetras are going into a different tank. Many hobbyists have more than 1 tank. But we would always suggest that they wait to set up the tank before adding the first fish, and the kit contains a start-up video with instructions for the beginner.

But in any case, I will address your concerns with the people in the department, because we do not want to give out misleading information to any of our customers. Again, I thank you for taking the time to bring the situation to our attention. Please do not hesitate to call Axxxxx Xxxxx or me at any time.

Al xxxxxx
Store Manager #xxx
Seems like the guy needs to look at their stock because they sell otos at petsmart.

But at least he's conserned.
Auratus said:
Seems like the guy needs to look at their stock because they sell otos at petsmart.

But at least he's conserned.
yes they do sell otto's but suprisingly many people don't know about them I didn't know of them till visiting this forum
Sky042 said:
some of you will remember this thread

well I sent them an e-mail and I was very suprised to recieve a response to that e-mail today.

Here is their response I'm actually rather satisfied with it.
Yes i do remember it i kind of went on a little rant, sorry about that :whistle: . What you did is to be commended and should be followed by everyone on this forum. If we as a group are going to make any difference we must ensure those in management are aware of our concerns.

WELL DONE Sky :hooray:
wow, that was an impressive response.

the PetsMart in Hagerstown, MD has some of the cleanest tanks I've ever seen at a lfs, and there are very few floaters in the tanks - amazing considering the amount of people coming through the fish department.

I'm glad that your PetsMart appreciated your email and took action on some measures, especially the plants. :thumbs:
Frankly everyone seems to come down on PetsMart a lot, and it's unfortunate when there are so many good PetsMarts and so many good employees. I've been to seven different PetsMarts in Los Angeles and Orange County, California, and only one has been sub-par. Frankly, when you come into as much knowledge as a lot of us do, then we have extremely high standards for our home tanks that don't necessarily translate into a retail business establishment. Should they be the same? Only if you're willing to pay that much more for your fish and for your supplies, which I know I cannot afford all the time.

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