I have a lab/retriever cross dog that does NOT retrieve. But I have a cat that does!
She loves pipecleaners and when I do crafts, tries to walk off with them wholesale. Last night I gave her two 6 inch long leftover pieces. I twisted them round my finger into spirals and she began chirping and got all ready. I tossed one and she tore after it, "killed" it, carried it right back to me in her mouth and waited for me to toss it again.
As soon as I pick up the pipecleaner spiral again she's off the couch and crouched ready to spring once I throw it over her head into the kitchen. She doesn't do this once or 3 or 4 times like most cats who then get bored, but 10-15 times in a row. She did it alot last night, then presented me with one spiral this morning for another session. She's done this before too. I'm just wondering what interesting behaviours some of your pets have? It would make interesting reading.

As soon as I pick up the pipecleaner spiral again she's off the couch and crouched ready to spring once I throw it over her head into the kitchen. She doesn't do this once or 3 or 4 times like most cats who then get bored, but 10-15 times in a row. She did it alot last night, then presented me with one spiral this morning for another session. She's done this before too. I'm just wondering what interesting behaviours some of your pets have? It would make interesting reading.