Pets At Home


Jan 3, 2010
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have heard many bad things about there fish like disease ect
today i walk in just for a nose and see a tank with two angles in thats ok then i realise their tank mates
4 tetras and 2 guppys they are just asking for trouble realy its one of the display tanks no were for them to run
Wow, another selfish, narrow minded post about pets at home, do not tar one company with the same brush, a lot of them are excellent, so saying that Pets at home as a company are retarded, is a bit of a sweeping statement.
I agree with Truck. Posts like this get very annoying. We want to talk about fish, not how other people fail at taking care of them.
i agree with truck and betta boy, but there's no need to get nasty about it :good:
I've heard stories about diseased fish before but my local pets at home are brilliant. Their tanks look stunning. I plan to get some Corys from them in a month or so.
i have had angels with neons and guppies before,
fair enough i might have been lucky with no deaths,signs of stress or injuries,
but theyre tank might also,
so it is possible
i agree with truck and betta boy, but there's no need to get nasty about it :good:

I trued to sound as nice as I could. ;)

To call a company (and by that you include the work force) RETARDED doesn't sound nice in my book :rolleyes:

All too often on this forum people just want to sound clever by 'jumping on the bandwagon' by slagging off a chain store, normally P@H.

Most fish shops have a dead fish or two and remember these are holding tanks and not permanent set ups. Pets@Home are first and foremost a PET shop and therefore they have to cover all aspects of pets (ie, clue is in the name) On the whole they don't do a bad job overall. Ok so there may be isolated 'bad' P@H stores but that goes with specialised fish shops too!

I bet that if someone was to come round your house and look at your set up they may be able to find something that is not 'by the book' (I know my set up would fail somehow :look: )

I purchased a common plec from P@H for £2.99 and 8 weeks later he is a superb specemin!!!! :good:
Now lets leave it alone now........please! :grr:

EDIT TYPOS :blush:
My local Pets at Home are excellent

Tanks are always gleaming, well stocked, very well priced and take special requests into consideration.

Some part time staff aren't as clued up as the others but those of us customers in the know help other customers without thinking twice
I'm not sure that I would buy fish from my local one -
but their range of goods and food etc is very good and well priced.

I use them alot for the extra's, and enjoy seeing what they have in stock.
I guess you could say that our Pets at Home equivelent here in the U.S. would be Petco, or Petsmart. I will never buy fish from either one again, but they have some awesome deals on hardware, plants, food, chemicals, ect. ect.
pets@home in Hull needs shutting down and the staff re trained in how not be a thick *****

Just my honest opnion
The pets at home near my in giltbrook is pretty good always clean and ive seen staff turn down fish sales in there before because people where trying to put the wrong fish in with there fish and wrong size ect.
The pets at home near my in giltbrook is pretty good always clean and ive seen staff turn down fish sales in there before because people where trying to put the wrong fish in with there fish and wrong size ect.

Giltbrook is good, went in there last week, fantastic stock, and the small reptile section is nice too!

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