Pets At Home Plants


New Member
May 1, 2010
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My new tank is nearly complete. Took some time to build it, as its being building into a wall to replace a window.

I've got a couple of questions about plants.

1. Is it best to put the plants in during the fishless cycle or at the end of it.

2. Thinking if having gravel as a substrate. As anyone used pets at home plants, the type that each have their own little clay pots. Thought these would be ideal to use with a gravel substrate.

Would appreciate any thoughts.


plants shouldnt really be left in the the pots to grow, i always take mine out. whether they will die off if left in pots i dont know, but they grow better out of them. saying that, ive got sand which is easy to plant in and ive got roots spreading very far underneath my sand. ive no experience of growing plants in gravel. i woudl suggest going with potted plants though, either clay or plastic pots. my experience with 'cuttings' is such that i wont ever bother with them again. there was a thread a few days ago about whether to put plants in during or after cycling, and the conclusion was after as theres a chance it could mislead your water readings.
When planting, I normally take the plants out of their plastic pots, and just plant the roots wrapped in the sponge it comes with. This is normally sufficient to anchor the plant while it takes root.

Now I mainly buy bunched, weighted plants. These come with the roots wrapped in a piece of sponge with a lead strip, and this will quite happily stay at the bottom of the aquarium.

I've heard mixed reviews of P@H plants - I'd definitely go to your LFS for them instead, but you might be alright.

i generally always go to P@H for my plants but it does depend when you go i think as to how healthy and what the stock is. I go there because of a bad experience with my LFS a long time ago but i did go back to the LFS yesterday and bought some so see how they go
ive never been dissapointed with P@H plants. my local never has snails in the tank, and the water is crystal clear. sometimes the moss balls look a bit duff, but im not interested in them. i've had great results with their potted plants.
I got sold snail covered non aquatic plants at pets at home so can't say i'm overly impressed.
if they were covered in snails why did you buy them ? :blink: i always have a good look, and even get the plant out myself and spread the leaves to have a look. its not foolproof, but its done me well so far. ive seen far worse in LFS'.
if they were covered in snails why did you buy them ? :blink: i always have a good look, and even get the plant out myself and spread the leaves to have a look. its not foolproof, but its done me well so far. ive seen far worse in LFS'.

I'm learning as i go. If i'd been a bit more experienced i would probably have spotted the eggs and the fact they where non aquatic. but live and learn.
I have a P@h amazon sword plant in a little clay pot and it's doing great, the roots have grown through the bottom of the pot into the gravel and I'm hoping it will grow even better when I change to a sand substrate this weekend. Having said that I've boycotted Pets@h and will be buying aquatic plants from other sources from now on.

Have a look for Aquastones on ebay, nice little slate plant weights.
I have just bought some crypts from P@H today, gave them a good look over & could not see any obvious eggs or snails, although oddly enough there was a baby snail on the label of one so i put that one back.

Gave them a good rinse when i got home & planted them this afternoon, they look quite healthy, in my admited limited experience.

I would buy fish from there but i have to spend my Xmas voucher on somthing :p

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