"No one is a failure unless you try"
I got Petri this toy so we'd have another way to interact when he's out of his cage... you know, something to keep him busy. It's basically a little acrylic box that has coin slots on one side, with acrylic coins and shapes and you teach them to put the coins in the "bank". He sure does love his new toy! 
The box might be a bit big though
"Hmmm, what have we got here?"
"Thanks mom!
The shapes are his faves
And here he is beginning to learn the trick... he knows he has to do something in order to get his treat (a sunflower seed, his fave,) and he knows it has something to do with his coins, but he's not sure what yet
He will go around touching every colour of coin one by one and looking at me like "Do I get my treat now??"... but he doesn't know he has to wait for me to give the command! Haha
"Ok, I do what now?"
"'TOUCH the disk' you say? Like this?"
"Yaaaay, seed!"
The box might be a bit big though

"Hmmm, what have we got here?"


"Thanks mom!

The shapes are his faves

And here he is beginning to learn the trick... he knows he has to do something in order to get his treat (a sunflower seed, his fave,) and he knows it has something to do with his coins, but he's not sure what yet

He will go around touching every colour of coin one by one and looking at me like "Do I get my treat now??"... but he doesn't know he has to wait for me to give the command! Haha
"Ok, I do what now?"

"'TOUCH the disk' you say? Like this?"

"Yaaaay, seed!"