Tell her what a mean little bastard he is and she'll feel better about it!
He loves to sit on my shoulder and give kisses and such, but he HATES being handled and will bite the crap out of any hand that comes close to him. He's also very territorial about his cage, so you risk losing some skin every time you reach in there without gloves. He had better be glad I like animals with attitude. He's a sweetheart really, he just wants to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it
Nice Birdie. I wish I had that bird or a cockatiel... I have 3 parakeets heres their pic:
the other one isnt there because she bites me too much and jumps and runs, so I just keep her in her cage while I play with the others. Hopefully I will get the chance to clip her wings without getting bitten...
Your green one looks exactly like one I used to have, Arrowhead
His name was Jo-jo and he could say about 10 different words. For what I hear it's pretty uncommon for parakeets to talk, but he could, even though he sounded like a little robot and couldn't say bird right... "BIIIIIR!"
We bought him a new cage a couple of months ago and the door kinda snapped shut instead of sliding shut like most do, and he knocked it open and he and his "life partner" escaped
I fell in love with a bird today up at my lfs (also has birds), it's a quaker parrot...? Uggh, he was a dollface. Thats what my kiddo wants for Christmas so I was thinking of getting the shop owner to cut me a deal, hold the bird AND deliver him to me secretly on Christmas Eve, oh yes
OMG, Quakers are SO CUTE! My LFS usually has them in stock and I'm in love with the blue ones
They could probably take a finger off if they wanted to, but as long as they're hand-raised they're harmless