Fish Fanatic
I whent to pet world last night with my wife and when we walded into the fish room i was shocked to see that they had a tank with about 15 adult Figure 8 puffers in it atleast 4 of them were dieing they all had missing fins.
then as we walked around i seen a full grown Mono being eaten by an albino oscer it was just unbeliveable i found the first worker that i seen and asked him what the hell was going on in there fish room.( he had no clue some high schooler) i also seen i blue spotted puffer (about 18" to 20") in a small 15g tank that really really needed to be cleaned.there was also alot of other problems i seen too many to list right now. i felt so bad for all of there fish i just wish i had the money and space to save all of there fish but i dont so i did the next best thing. i called around to see who i could contact and let know about the poor fish keeping going on at that store. Talked to the DNR and they said they were going to check it out also the local health department was going to check them out. so atleast i feel like i did my part to stop the cruelity that is takeing place at Pet World.