Fish Fanatic
Hi, I recently bought a Jewel Trigon 190 (around 50 gallons) and cylced it using media from one of our other established tanks. I've done fishless cylcing three times now and it's always worked great. So anyway, the first fish I put in were Tiger Barbs, as I've always liked them. I got 8 to try and spread agression as I know they are fin nippers. I also wanted to add a rainbow Shark. I researched and know to only get one, there are also a lot of hding places in the shape of driftwood rocks etc. The problem is the woman in the pet shop wouldn't sell one to me, as she said the Tiger Barbs would instantly kill it, and if I was keeping Tiger Barbs then it had to be a species tank as they are so aggressive. Is this accurate advice or was she being a bit over the top? Thanks.