Pet Names


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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((Sorry in advance if there has already been this thread; I'm just a silly newbie))

So, I was reflecting on some of the silly names my pets have, and in re-thinking how they came to be dubbed as such, realized that several had names that were either themed or significant. I thought it would be fun to find out how TFF users chose the names for their pets. Here's mine, now post yours ^^

Morgan, a cairn terrier, was named after the breed of horse by my sister, who was on a big horse kick at the time.
Leo the cat is named after a rescued steer at Farm Sanctuary. Leo (the steer) was rescued as a downed veal calf who was too weak to go to auction. Leo (the cat) was rescued from being trampled by steers on veal calf auction day at a stockyard in upstate NY. See, not all leos are named such based on feline themes :lol:
Luna, a ferret, was named because his fur is the same yellowish white and silver as the moon. Very uncreative, I know.
Charlie the ferret is named after a similarly colored, also sickly dog at the animal shelter he was adopted from.
Darwin the rabbit has a deformed skull (huge, arching brows), so he kindof looks like a little bunny cave-man or "missing link."
Brindam the rabbit had a brindle-like coat pattern as a baby.
Rosalinda the tarantula is a Chilean Rosehair, so I wanted a name similar to Rosie with a Spanish twist. Yea, corny, I know.
Velveeta the parakeet is solid yellow. Like cheese. My animals should hate me for their names.
Sigma and Theto are my maths themed parakeets. I know it should be "Theta," but it is male, and I think "a" is an affeminite ending for a masculine name so I edited it. This is one of my themed names that has no point. :dunno:
Pretty Bird the amazon parrot was NOT named by me; he was a rescue and came with the name. To try and make HIM feel more manly, I try to call him things like "Pretty Bird the Destroyer" or "Handsome Bird." :lol:
Aspen is a green cheeked conure. Aspens are a kind of tree. Trees tend to be greenish. Yea... uncreative.
Jesus the finch was basically named by my mom for being a "miracle" bird. Imagine surviving the death of your parents, rickets, a bad cold, a vicious sugar-glider attack, a lot of escapes, an overzealous parakeet girlfriend, and much much more. At over 11 years old and still kicking, I guess he really is a miracle.
Krelli is a hen, and her name was themed as well. She is a beautiful black bird, so I named her Krelli and her now-deceased mate Skoggi after two ravens from the book The Wild Road.
Vladek, Artie, Lucia, Nadja, Tosha, and Anja are all mice with names from the comic/biography Maus. The author uses anthropomorphic mice to tell his father's story of surviving the holocaust. All of the mice came from little mice "holocausts," be it rescue from starvation, abuse, or experimentation.
Dickey Barett, a betta, is the sole survivor (and old man) from my origional group of bettas, who were all named after the lead singers of bands (Mighty Mighty Bosstones, if you're wondering.)
Tiny Tim the betta looks like a mini-version of my deceased betta Tim. He also was "crippled" due to severe fin rot when I rescued him, which was Christmas eve, so it all seemed stupidly appropriate.
Pulpul the betta is named after the lead singer of Ska-P, a spanish Ska band. Follows the lead singer name motiff.
Shyboy the betta is named such because he is horribly, horribly shy, and nearly starved to death in the store because all of the movement and noise terrified him so he hid instead of eating.
Lug is also a betta, and his name is a combination of "little" and "ugly." I got him because he was horribly emaciated and close to death. He looked hideous, with little rotted fins, a bony build, and dull colors, and the pet store manager, who was having trouble catching him, sighed and said "come ON you little ugly." The name stuck.
Sealink is named after a character from the wild road, as my other female betta (dearly departed) was.
Leanora Whitstand Merill is a yellow apple snail. I named her after a character from The Golden Cat due to her "golden" hue.
Bronwin the goldfish is named after a sheep. Not because he is white; the sheep was brown, but because he is super-friendly like the sheep was. I also call him Win for short after my very white friend Win.
Tangaloor Firefins is a goldfish whose name is a spinoff of a character in Tailchaser's Song. Many of my fish's names are book-based.
Grizraz the goldfish is another TCS named fish, and also because "Gris" is spanish for Grey, the color he was when he was a little fry.
Reebum the algae eater was also named after a character in TCS, a frog, which seemed fitting since he is a greenish color as well.

O_O I hope that was everyone.

Edit: wait, wait, I forgot two. I knew I was leaving someone out.
Widget the gerbil has seizures. Now, I once had an epileptic chinchilla named Gidget, and I was at the time working on physical therapy for a "wobbly" kitten named Widget, so the name just seemed to fit.
Auhlae, also a gerbil and Widget's daughter, was actually named after something silly and embarassing... an RP character from an RPG I played at when I was younger. Auhlae (in RP) was a white wolf with some grey guard hairs down her back. Auhlae the gerbil has the same coloration.
Pretty Bird the amazon parrot was NOT named by me; he was a rescue and came with the name. To try and make HIM feel more manly, I try to call him things like "Pretty Bird the Destroyer" or "Handsome Bird."

So funny!

My pets have had strange and silly names over the years. Here are some of the best:

Chief: A comet goldfish, he had a black marking on his upper lip when I got him. I named him Chief after Chief Inspector Clouseau from the Pink Panther movies. He has since lost the black moustache... he's going on 10 years, so I guess he had a mid-life crisis and needed a change in appearance :D

Woody: my first hamster. We named him Woody because... (get your mind out of the gutter!) he liked to stuff his cheeks with wood chips.

Bubbles: my family's second hamster. We got her for my younger brother's 8th birthday. He just COULD NOT decide on a name, so my mom, in frustration, just started naming random things to try to find SOMETHING my brother liked. "Steve... no. George... no. Arthur... no. Barney... no. Bubbles... YES!" :rolleyes:

Barbosa: Ryukin goldfish. He has one dark-colored eye, so it looks like he has a pirate's eye patch on. Therefore, he was named Barbosa after the captain in "Pirates of the Carribean".

Gus: was the new fish at the time, another ryukin. Named him "Gus" after the character from the cartoon "Recess", as Gus from the show is commonly called "the new kid".

Dipstick: crowntail betta, named such because his "crowns" are black, while the rest of his fins are red. Looks like he's wearing mascara...

Those are the best, anyway! Thanks for lookin!
java-very black in color like coffee

kasa-hopi indian for "draped in furs"

Minx - my guinea pig. I have no idea how I came up with it.
Bodie - my dog. A friend gave him to me as a birthday present and he already came with that name.
Roamer - my cat. Got him from an animal shelter and he also already came with his name
Sexy - my other cat. His other owners named him "Bo" and I didn't like that name so I started calling him Sexy :dunno:


Spanky - my angelfish. I thought this name suited him well :look:
Poof - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
Cheemo - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
Weebam - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
Bling - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
Splitz - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
Arko - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
Spirit - a betta. This one actually has a meaning, I named him Spirit cuz he's a whitish color. :look:
Cheeko - a betta. I dunno why I picked this name.
NoName - a betta. He doesnt have a name, so therefore...he's NoName :rolleyes:

Well....those are all the meanings to my fish and animals names :D even though over half my bettas have no meaning to their name -_-
BJ- my doggy, named after my grandpa (bernie junior) n my grandpa was jus plain bernie
Smores- my cat, his colors reminded me of a smores candy
Stewart- my fish, after stewart from mad tv
Rocky- my hamster, named cuz of his color
Spunk- my newest animal a leopard gecko, named cuz he was running everyweres and idk, it kinda stuck

edit: forgot one!
Easton- my son, i love that name n i thought it fit him hehe not an animal but close enough lol
Random Wiktor, you have SUCH cool names for your pets - i love the snails name such a long name for a little bitty!

I have a dog named Bondu because he was rescued from Cyprus where they call the countryside "Bondu" we figured thats where he was probably born. His name suits him down to the ground.

I have a guinea pig named hercules because mainly i couldnt think of another name and also because he has grown up to be a big butch guinea pig with a sweet nature.

I used to have a Charolais steer named Lancelot who was handsome, sweet, gentle and with a fiery temper when he wanted to! I named him after the white knight from Arthurian legend because Charolais cattle are white. look in my avatar for a picture of Lovely Lance.
Random Wiktor, you have SUCH cool names for your pets - i love the snails name such a long name for a little bitty!

Thanks ^^ My mom hates the names because she can never remember them; she calls everyone "Mark" if they're male and "Mary" if they're female :lol:
And I love it when vets try to pronounce Auhlae's name. (Its "Ah-hoo-lay" but they never come up with that).

Lance is dreamy :wub: I love Charolais cattle, they're so beautiful and have quite the personalities. I worked with one up at FS and he was a real sparkplug.

Well....those are all the meanings to my fish and animals names even though over half my bettas have no meaning to their name

Lance is dreamy I love Charolais cattle, they're so beautiful and have quite the personalities. I worked with one up at FS and he was a real sparkplug.

why thank you! I absolutely adore Charolais. Ive never known a cow with more attitude than Lance! except perhaps his mother... she can be nasty when she wants to but Lance was such a sweet boy. He was a dream to show as well...he would be as nervy as you like outside but as soon as you get in the ring he would really show himself off!! sorry I could talk about him all day long!!!

Ill post some pictures in household pets.
Colin - Guinea pig originally called Taz by previous owner -_-. Colin seemed to suit but a couple of years later I was wacthing Spaced and there's a dog called Colin and I remembered thinking that was cool when I watched it long before getting Colin.

Oscar - Guinea pig. Because he has bits of scruffy fur, it's the dude in the bin on Sesame Street.

Monty - Was going to be called Bertie beause of his colouring but got his name from Uncle Monty in Withnail and I.

Joe - My 2nd pig who died. Named after Joe Strummer (of The Clash) who had recently died when I got him.

Symon - Budgie. He was bought from Symon's Pets. I later found out they pronounce it like Simmon instead of Simon as I do but never mind!

Too many fish but ones that come to mind are:

Brucilla - L134 plec. Was going to be Bruce for a boy and Cilla for a girl after tv presenters (Forsyth and Black). Didn't know the sex of it for a bit so Brucilla it was, then sexed it as a he but the name had stuck.

Papa - big clown loach. Just seemed to suit.

Missy - Female krib. Named after Missy Elliot because of her attitude - she has had to live alone for a long time. Enjoys killing other fish too much!

Lionel - Upside down catfish. Taken from Lionel Ritchie and his song 'dancing on the ceiling'. (I am not a fan, let me assure you)

Ritchie - Upside down cat. Got after Lionel. Thought I'd complete the name, even though she's a she.

Zippy - Rainbow shark. Named after the character in Rainbow the tv show from the '80s.

Daisy - Angel fish. Because she's always going on her side and upside down. As in oops-a-daisy.

Well, you did ask. ;)
Lucy/Salt-This was my first hamster. When I got him, I was told he was a girl and I was really into hanson, so I named him after one of their songs. Then by means of Plecoperson's hamster, Pepper, and mine fighting, we found out she was a he. The most logical thing to do seemed to match Salt and Pepper. Plus he was an albino!

Ebony- The most beautiful rabbit I've ever seen. Jet black and a lovely nature. She was put to sleep on the 24th June, 1998. That date has always stuck with me. She got her name cos of her colour.

Willow- I'd just got a new rabbit after Ebony, and I was reading a book and looking down the other titles by this publisher, and I saw Wind in the Willows and loved it.

Cookie- My first Guinea pig, a lovely little abyssinian, black and brown so cookie colours!

Ash-A little grey hamster, the colour of ash.

Merlin- A little brown guinea pig. I've still got him, but I named him to match Lancelot and Guinevere.

Guinevere- A beautiful limousin x friesian heifer. I named her to match Plec's calf, Lancelot.

Louise- A lovely toggenburg goat. (Pic of her in my profile.) She was named by some idiots at the farm after one of their friends, Louis.

I've just acquired a little canary bird which we think is a girl, but she needs a name!
the first family dog was Sissy. she was a basset. she was named before i was born so i take no responsibility for the name. i believe my brother, who was about 3 or 4 at the time, named her.

the next dog was mitzi. she was a miniature schnauzer. since schnauzers are german, my mom picked a german name. again, not my doing.

their current dog is a bischon frise, named sophie. i voted for abby, my mom wanted sophie. not sure where it came from.

first family cat was named Lila. really have no idea where that came from. but it suited her

second family cat was named Patches. she was a calico, we weren't being terribly creative there. we often just called her patty or pit-pat

i now have critters of my own. i had a pug that i named stella. i wanted to name her after a jazz singer. however billie and ella didn't quite suit her. i was staring at my jazz cds and sarah vaughn was next to ella, so out of my mouth popped "stella". it stuck.

my min pin, marie, was named by my now ex boyfriend. he chose the name because its my middle name,and he thought it was pretty.

my one cat is named reggie (see avatar). my boyfriend at the time wanted to name him king, since he was so big and regal looking. but king didn't fit him to me, nor did rex. so i grabbed my latin dictionary (yes, i took latin once upon a time), looked up regal. its said "regie", so he became reggie. now i always think of the line from the indiana jones movie 'thats my pet snake reggie", and i say "thats my pet cat reggie" in the same accent. :rolleyes:

our other cat is named neika. she's a siamese. her name is a combination of names my fiance found and liked, but couldn't decide on.

my anoles are all named for jazz artists: billie, ella, gillespie (gillespie started out as lena, until i realized he was a male).

the gecko, which i believe to be female, has no name. she's just gecko. she started out a little rocky healthwise, and i was afraid to name her. she's fine now, but still no name. maybe she'll get to be lena.

i've only named a few fish. i had a gorgeous red betta that i named dante. i had a large, larger than any of the males, female lyretail molly that i called big mama. her mate i called outlaw because his body was silver, but he had a marking that resembled a saddle on his back. and the plec is lovingly called "sucker fish" whenever i see her. :lol:
Our Family members

Diablo DSH cat, uhm, his name says why he was named that :shifty:

7th moon Bagabones Bailey our Basset Hound. He was named 7th moon cause he was the 7th puppy born in that litter and the breeder names all her dogs under a moon name. Bagabones is the breeder's kennel name and I named him Baiely cause he had the colours of Bailey's, the drink, as a puppy

Norbet and Zeues the green tree frogs, I just liked those names. Zeues was the biggest frog, so he got the honours of being named that

Calla the high yellow gecko. Calla of course means beautiful in greek so I named her that. my Husband has no started calling her "his Calla" Hmmmmmm, then start cleaning after her and feeding her, IMO, lol
Hum, these are all v funny....

In pet heaven I have;

Fluffy cat - self explanatory really, but give me a break, I was 3 yrs old!

Sinbad - my cat who was mainly white but have a black eye patch and used to sit in the dingys dad was building in the front lounge. Also had an obsession with our pirate hats (used when we ere kids)

Still rockin'

Magic - Because when he was a kitten he used to dissapear quick as a flash and manage to get into the tiniest spaces "as if by magic!"

Gizmo - becasue when we got him he looked like a black and white version of Gizmo from the film.

'the brotherhood' our 4 clown loaches

'big red' our Betta, after big red in 'bring it on'.

'God' male guppie w fire pattern tail, who stays on his own and just lords over the other fish in the tank and chases them off if they try to come up to the surface in 'his corner'!

Tigger, my clown fish named by my god daughter because he "bounces round his tank"

They r the most interesting but i could go on forever...
I'll do the dead ones first, since I miss them... I wish I could name them all, but then the thread would never ever end...

Thunder- Rescued him from insane grandmother who kept him locked in a room. His dad's name had been Thunder so he just got it passed on.

Kiki- Buff longhaird girl that showed up at our door. We used to call her by doing the kittykitty thing but it got shortned to Kiki and it just stuck.

Ghost- Son of Kiki, also buff with white but short hair. He was born soon after Thunder died, and he'd needed extra attention when he was born. While we were warming him up me and my mom felt something jump up onto the end of the bed and lie down at our feet, We sat up thinking it was Kiki but nothing was there. My mom just said 'Ghost' and that was his name. Not to mention the tip of his tail was twisted and bent, just like those old cartoon ghosts.

Now for the still kicking...

Princess- Already had the name, but it didn't fit lol. Unless you think Amazon Princess...

Toto- You guess it, a real live Toto clone. Of course somehow we got so used to saying it fast now it comes out more like 'Todo'.

Jack- Ghost's only brother, he was bright orange, I though of Jack O'lanterns, thus Jack was named....

Cali- How bland for a calico... Trying to change it, but can't think of anything good.... She's so friendly too...

Psycho- Aptly named for being a psycho around other cats. Great with dogs, hates other cats... Kiki's girl.

Shriver- Named after the shape of arrowhead that resembles the mark on her face. Also Kiki's girl.

Python- The only one we couldn't get a home for after Cali popped him out lol. Named by a bunch of fifth grade boys because of his tendency to gnaw on your hand in a loving way and his remarkable ability to slide around all over you.

Blank- Reserved for when I can get my own dog damn it!

I like neat sounding names that fit the animal. Unless it's weird, like a black cat named Snowball or a tiny dog named Killer.... Once I named a cat Dog.... :whistle:
For my dog Kara, a siberian husky, we couldnt decide on a name, so we got an atlas, looked at siberia and chose a small village name.

I thought that was a good idea! :whistle:

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