Pet Competition Reminders

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
Just a reminder that the POTM competition nomination entries closes in 3 days.... If there are still any outstanding, (which have been nominated and seconded) please ensure that they are moved across to the nomination topic)

Also... The fun competition voting and voting for the May POTM will be closing in 3 days time... If you have not voted yet.... Do so now!

Finally, The monthly fun (theme) competition are running out of ideas.... I think, for July, We'll have pet photos that validates a caption, and then in August fun competition, we will vote for the best caption to the winning photo of July.... (Unless somebody can come up with a better Idea)??.... It is your section so, make some suggestions?
Geeze!!!... you guys are making me a nervous wreck!!!!... Here we are procasternating again...

Almost time to start voting again for the new month, but we have only a few entries in the fun comp.... (odd couples)... The July POTM competition, and even the voting is not going well.... Go on!!... get those entries and nominations (and voting) elevated please!!

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