pesky green water


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2004
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Hi all. I have a 30 gallon that recently finished cycling and I'm having a green water issue. The levels are all fine, there are plants in the tank that are doing great, the fish are thriving and seem happy, but the water is a nice, murky green color.

I've been doing partial water changes every other day, occasionally rinsing the filters in the used water. Yes, I dechlorinate. No, I do not overfeed my fish. I've cut back to feeding them every third day or so. Yes, I've tried water changes AND keeping the tank dark. Yes, I cover the tank to keep the sunlight out. The tank really isn't in sunlight except for a small piece from a stained glass window for about a half hour. NOTHING is working.

It's not an emergency because as I said before my fish are doing very well. I only have three danios, four ottos and a small pleco in the tank and they seem (when I can see them) to be quite happy.

This has been going on for about two weeks. Help?
The best product I could recommend to you is Kent - Proclear. You won't find a better product that will remove free particles from the water. It won't affect your plants or fish either. Hope that helped, I'm sure it'll fix the problem if nothing else works. You might want to buy some filter floss and put it in your filter temporarily while the ProClear is at work. Good luck. :)
Also, i have heard that a UV filter will kill any water bourne bacteria(bad, not good)/parasites that can cause disease and algae...

I have been thinking about getting one myself, as i have white algae annoyingly in my tubes (external filter), occasionally blocking it up.....

As Konrad05 suggested, there are some good products out-there, but i would imagine whatever caused this out-break would occur again once the product has treated the aquarium?
I would say the UV filter was a more permanent approach, although you will have to check about the algae and whether it would kill it....


You are doing the right things. It should settle down in a week or 2. This is just the tank trying to find an ecological balance. Dont add any medication. And do let us know if conditions worsen.

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