Personal Opinion


New Member
May 16, 2009
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i've been fighting with my self over weather to make my tank a semi aggressive tank filled with tiger barb, clown loaches and anything else that fits the catagory, or a community tank with all peaceful fish(mainly because bamboo shrimp fasincate me).

do you prefer community tanks? or aggressive tanks?
I Like, No I love tiger barbs. How big is your tank? What else will you be putting in with your barbs?
I read you should introduce them last if you plan to keep other species with them. Also they should be kept with an even number of males and females. and more than 6, I think, to keep the fin nipping down. Some people think they are a pain but when I had them they were very active and fun to watch.
I Like, No I love tiger barbs. How big is your tank? What else will you be putting in with your barbs?
I read you should introduce them last if you plan to keep other species with them. Also they should be kept with an even number of males and females. and more than 6, I think, to keep the fin nipping down. Some people think they are a pain but when I had them they were very active and fun to watch.

well my tank is 30gallons, and so far all that i can think of adding are clown loaches, possibly a rainbow shark and maybe a type of pelco or snails or something to keep algae down; any type of tiger barbs are my favorite fish but green tiger barbs are my number 1 favorite
She is awesome.
Will the clown laoches and shark be able to get along.
My shark freaks out if anything goes into any of the caves or hiding places that I have all over the tank. I have some phantom tetras and ghost shrimp and they aren't able to go inside any of the decor. and my shrimp get a savage chasing if she catches any of them on the substrate.
I Like, No I love tiger barbs. How big is your tank? What else will you be putting in with your barbs?
I read you should introduce them last if you plan to keep other species with them. Also they should be kept with an even number of males and females. and more than 6, I think, to keep the fin nipping down. Some people think they are a pain but when I had them they were very active and fun to watch.

well my tank is 30gallons, and so far all that i can think of adding are clown loaches, possibly a rainbow shark and maybe a type of pelco or snails or something to keep algae down; any type of tiger barbs are my favorite fish but green tiger barbs are my number 1 favorite

Clown loach grow to big for that size tank, how about a few cory's instead?, IMO much more active and alot nicer to look at. Dependant on which plec you get depends on if it will even touch algae but saying that even the more prone to eating algae plecs differ from tank to tank some will eat loads where others wont touch it at all lol

i have 6 tiger barbs... if i upgrade to a bigger tank i will be getting clown loaches and stuff, i love these fish they are great and very hardy, you should look into them :good:
I like my community tank, it is peaceful and nice to watch, but i am wanting to get a semi-aggressive tank also. It would be nice to have both! lol.

But I think community tanks are fun because you can have various schools that are always fun to watch, i really like my tetras and my cories!
I would still with some nice Community type fish.........they can still all be active, just need to plan a bit more and allow your tank to be broken down into top, middle and bottom dwellers (as I'm sure you know that)..........I love my Angels and Pakistani loached which are much more active then my previous Clownies.........

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