I had a Perruno Catfish for over 5 years. Amazing catfish, as long as you understand that it will eat anything that it can fit into its mouth (& their mouths are huge!). I got it when it was only a few inches. within 6 months it was about 8 inches and its tank mates started disapearing. I didn't care, he was so beautiful that I loved him more than all my fish combined. He liked to hide in caves with only his long whiskers flowing about tasting the water for food during the day. within a year he was over a foot long. at night he would come out and swim up against the glass like a flamenco dancer in a leopard print dress and his pectoral and dorsal fins were fantanstic. his growth was not as rapid past the 1st year, by his 2nd birthday he was roughly 18 inches and held that length until he was around 3. this was probably due to the size of my tank being only 75 gallons. I would feed him feeder gold fish every 2 weeks, although he was not a picky eater. he was in the tank with several small species, such as a tetras and danios and other small catfish (pengasius sharks, rapheals, plecos and silver tips). for his size he was quite lazy as an adult, preferring slow gold fish rather than trying to catch fast swimming tetras and danios. amazingly he wasn't fond of trying to eat his fellow cats. Eventually he out grew his 75 gallon tank and my husband built him a 300+ gallon heated pond in the backyard where he spend his remaining year. in the pond he became full size at 24 inches +. he was tame enough to eat koi pellets from your hand and preferred to be fed in the evenings when dusk arrived. I highly recommend one if you don't mind having one as an only fish as an adult. He died last year due to a bad water change in the pond. my heart was broken. His name of course was "Perruno".
I've been looking for one for over a year now to replace him but have come up short. I'm still looking...