Well I finally caved in today and bought myself 2 african dwarf frogs. I'd wanted them for months but kept putting it off since I want to make a second "paradise" tank for them. I was ecstatic when I told the employee that I would be buying the adfs. However, he soon came back to me and explained, that those were "permit" animals and that I had to fill out a permit to buy them. I'd never heard of this before and I'd never filled out a permit to own an animal. Actually, it's really only a temporary permit and expires after 20 days.
What is the purpose of having a permit for these frogs? Were people just releasing them into local streams, rivers and ponds? Plus, what am I supposed to do after the 20 days? Go down to city hall to file for another permit?
phew. took some digging but, in New Jersey, unless the critter is specifically exempt, you need a permit. its confusing though, as they also make a list of critters that you do need a permit for
so these are the ONLY critters you do not need a permit for:
section 4.4
i. Leopard frogs - Rana pipiens;
ii. Green frogs - Rana clamitans;
iii. American toad - Bufo americanus;
iv. Fowler’s toad - B. w. fowleri;
v. Bullfrogs - Rana catesbeiana;
vi. Red-spotted newts - Notophthalmus viridescens;
vii. Dusky salamanders - Desmognathus fuscus
and these are SOME of the critters you do:
4. Amphibians:
i. African Clawed Frog - Xenopus laevis
ii. Poison Dart Frog - Dendrobates spp.
iii. Argentine Horned Frog - Ceratophrys ornata
iv. Green Treefrog - Hyla cynerea
v. Cuban Treefrog - Hyla septentrionalis
vi. Red-eyed Treefrog - Agalychnis callidryas
vii. White's Treefrog - Litoria caerulea
viii. Firebelly Toad - Bombina bombina
ix. Firebelly Newt - Cynops pyrrhogaster
as always the devil is in the detail:
Additional Species
A permit shall be required for any other exotic mammals, birds,
reptiles, or amphibians, or nongame species not specifically
exempted by Section 4.4.
So though it is not named, anywhere, you need a permit for ADF in New Jersey.
the above was taken from the New Jersey Regulations- Possession of nongame & exotic Wildlife.