Perc Clowns Rubbing In Sands?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 14, 2006
Reaction score
Edinburgh, Scotland
I've noticed my little perc clown sort of lying on their sides and rubbing against the sand. Does anyone know what they are doing? Its like they are trying to lie on it or just rub their sides against it. they dont do it all the time but i have seen them do it a few times. (they were doing it this morning)

anyone know why??
Could be many things. :nod:

Some clowns clear an area of sand beneath their chosen structure for reproduction and egg laying.
They could be itching due to a skin irratation, check for signs of ich or iregularity on their skin.
Could be just a clown oddity, they sometimes do un-explainable things! :p If no host is provided (no host is neccessary, clowns can do without :good: ) they sometimes sleep on the floor in awkward positions and appear to "rub". :fun:

Is it at night or during the day?
Have you got any cleaner shrimps or cleaner fish in your tank? They may be itching due to parasites of some sort in the tank which is very common in a reef tank.

If they were preparing a patch for egg laying they would be fanning the sand away with their fins, not rubbing against it..


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