Peppermint Shrimp Vomited?


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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A couple days ago one of the peppermint shrimp spewed out of it's mouth a cloud of white. Almost reminded me of when my margarita snail released a sperm cloud but the shrimp cloud tho white was not as much nor as dense. Yet I did see something. Anyone have knowledge on what it was. The shrimp eat freeze dried mysis, krill bits or anything else the fish miss plus I give the carnivour invertibrates a silverside about once a week. Karen Campbell

OH BTW I have 2 of the 3 peppermint shrimp carrying eggs. :good: When will these be shed?
cool Paste question and answer there when they send it to you :)

Out of the year I've been reading off that site, I've only had to ask them one question.
cool Paste question and answer there when they send it to you :)

Out of the year I've been reading off that site, I've only had to ask them one question.

I asked exactly as I posted here. got this for an answer on the vomiting

<Got me... perhaps regurgitation as you speculate; maybe even parasitic.
Bob Fenner>
OH BTW I have 2 of the 3 peppermint shrimp carrying eggs. When will these
be shed?
<Could be anytime to weeks... See WWM re Lysmata spp. repro.>


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