I've had two peppermint bn's die in the last 48 hrs and I cant work out why? The first one looked to have whitish marks on its abdomen just before it died and then the next morning I found another one in a similiar condition. This morning I woke up and a third one let my teeny tiny barbs nip all its fins and tail away - but no white abdomen??? The fourth is fat and happy with no nipping or white abdomen!!! I've kept the sick one quarantined but I would really like some advice on what's going on? Would my GH or KH have something to do with the problem?
My tank paramentars are as follows:
Tank size is 280litres (minus a few ornaments and an inch of free space below the lid )
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrate = 10 ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
PH = 7.2
KH = 80 ppm
GH = 180 ppm
tank temp = 27C
tank mates are as follows:
1 peppermint bn
1 bumblebee catfish
1 teeny weeny baby bristlenose
4 khuli loach
2 clown loach
2 flame guraumis
4 giant danios
1 pearl danio
3 leapord danios
5 glass catfish
2 paradise fish
4 itty bitty teeny weeny albino barbs
2 albino tinfoil barbs
2 rams
2 golden panchax
1 betta
I've had two peppermint bn's die in the last 48 hrs and I cant work out why? The first one looked to have whitish marks on its abdomen just before it died and then the next morning I found another one in a similiar condition. This morning I woke up and a third one let my teeny tiny barbs nip all its fins and tail away - but no white abdomen??? The fourth is fat and happy with no nipping or white abdomen!!! I've kept the sick one quarantined but I would really like some advice on what's going on? Would my GH or KH have something to do with the problem?
My tank paramentars are as follows:
Tank size is 280litres (minus a few ornaments and an inch of free space below the lid )
Ammonia = 0 ppm
Nitrate = 10 ppm
Nitrite = 0 ppm
PH = 7.2
KH = 80 ppm
GH = 180 ppm
tank temp = 27C
tank mates are as follows:
1 peppermint bn
1 bumblebee catfish
1 teeny weeny baby bristlenose
4 khuli loach
2 clown loach
2 flame guraumis
4 giant danios
1 pearl danio
3 leapord danios
5 glass catfish
2 paradise fish
4 itty bitty teeny weeny albino barbs
2 albino tinfoil barbs
2 rams
2 golden panchax
1 betta