Peppermint Pleco


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Just got one and wondering if anyone else has one. I went to LiveAquaria to look him up. Any helpful tips? :D
Do you know what type of peppermint plec it is that your after...
there are about 5 different plecs that are all refered to as pepermints...

L031 is what i would call a true pepermint plec... well defined spots with a pepermint tint to their colour.

Best price i've seen them for is £12 at a local store.
It (since I don't know how to sex them) is a L-31. I bought mine for $33.97 Canadian. So that's what, about $46.00 (I think, not's so good at converting) American. :blink:
The peppermint is a great plec, as they do not get that big, about 6-7 inches. The bad part is that they are hard to find and kinda expensive. $30-60. They are also good cleaners. I am getting one to help out my bistlenose plec. :cool:
cujo said:
The peppermint is a great plec, as they do not get that big, about 6-7 inches. The bad part is that they are hard to find and kinda expensive. $30-60. They are also good cleaners. I am getting one to help out my bistlenose plec. :cool:
Would a peppermint be to big for my 20gallon?

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