peppered cory's


New Member
Feb 6, 2005
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i just got 2 of these lil fella's and there great, :cool: i have read up about them 1st but any tips on anything cos u guys seem to know more than the books and google :teacher:

i.e foods, do's & dont's
Hey uk28scots! I used to own 5 peppers for long time(I gave them to friend who wanted cories) and i find mine ate brine shrimp pellets, leftover flake food, and they LOVED frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms. Cories needs to be in groups of 4 or more because they are a schooling fish, insecure, andtimid when alone or in small numbers. Trust me, will be much happier in bigger groups and more social . :nod:
You should be careful when putting full dosages of medicines as cories are sensitive to them and do not add salt to their water. Your gravel should be very fine or better yet sand so they dont injure they're barbels (whiskers) and are able to dig through rubble which they're meant to do. Bigger gravel will damage them and be hard for them to scavage through. Cories prefer slightly cooler water, like 73-75F(mine even bred in cooler temps)but will do fine in warmer tanks up to 80F. Cories are mild mannered, there for should not go in with aggressive, nipping fish or other competitive bottom dwellers b/c they wont recieve any food.
Hi uk28scots :)

Snowyangel gave you much excellent advice about your corys. :thumbs:

Your peppered corys, C. paleatus, is one of the most popular corys cats. It was discovered by Charles Darwin in the 1830s. While it originally came from Argentina, most peppered corys are now tank raised.

If you are interested in trying to breed an egg laying fish, this is an excellent one to start with. If you have a pair, once they are mature they will readily spawn.

All corys are schooling fish, so if possible try to pick up a few more to form a school with yours. You will be amazed at how active and playful they will become.

They also like to have some little cave so they can get out of the bright light once in a while. Three rocks with a piece of slate on the top works well, looks natural, and is quite inexpensive. :D
hey thanx for that im gonna pick up another couple next week, there great to watch, they make me tired as they never stop. i already have little hiding places for them.

again thanx :D
i have 4 peppered corys now, that snowy gave me :)

they are really cool. They eat pretty much anything that hits the bottom and is digestible. The only comptetion they have right now is my whiptail catfish which reminds me of garfield. He just lays on the bottom of the tank all day, moving once every hour about 6 inches... I guess he must be more active at night... I also have about 20 shrimp in there now as scavengers.

cories are awesome fish! I even got 5 pygmies for my 5 gallon bettas tank and they are the most active cories i've ever seen!

thank you snowy :)

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