Peppered Corydoras & Medication


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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Just wondering if it is ok to treat Peppered Corydoras with white spot meds. At this moment I am just checking to see if they can handle the medication as im not positive yet that its white spot, ill keep an eye on them & see how it develops. I have them now nearly a week and they look really healthy, active swimming, eating well and constantly foraging for food. On Saturday I noticed one of them flicking off some bogwood a few times but cant see any white spots. The other 2 are fine, no flicking. The weird thing is that he might flick 2 or 3 times then might not flick again for a long time. They are the only fish in the tank but I had some cherry barbs in there last week which have been moved to a different tank that had white spot which I treated with King British White Spot Medication for 7 days until there were no signs of spots left (added a dosage every 48 hours).

The tank was fishless cycled for 4 weeks with pure ammonia. The stats are Ammonia = 0; Nitrite = 0 with Nitrate = 5 according to the test(almost totally clear); Temp = 25c. I did a 15% water change on Friday night and another 15% water change last night.

Are Corydoras extra sensitive to medication, should the dosage be halfed or can you dose as instructed on the bottle. I wont do anything just yet until i am totally sure, just want to be ready if I have to do something.


Just wondering if it is ok to treat Peppered Corydoras with white spot meds. At this moment I am just checking to see if they can handle the medication as im not positive yet that its white spot, ill keep an eye on them & see how it develops. I have them now nearly a week and they look really healthy, active swimming, eating well and constantly foraging for food. On Saturday I noticed one of them flicking off some bogwood a few times but cant see any white spots. The other 2 are fine, no flicking. The weird thing is that he might flick 2 or 3 times then might not flick again for a long time. They are the only fish in the tank but I had some cherry barbs in there last week which have been moved to a different tank that had white spot which I treated with King British White Spot Medication for 7 days until there were no signs of spots left (added a dosage every 48 hours).

The tank was fishless cycled for 4 weeks with pure ammonia. The stats are Ammonia = 0; Nitrite = 0 with Nitrate = 5 according to the test(almost totally clear); Temp = 25c. I did a 15% water change on Friday night and another 15% water change last night.

Are Corydoras extra sensitive to medication, should the dosage be halfed or can you dose as instructed on the bottle. I wont do anything just yet until i am totally sure, just want to be ready if I have to do something.


you will be fine treating with a whitespot med... just make sure you increase the aeriation in the tank, as you should when treating with any med.
Hi cor2008 :)

Unless you actually see a number of tiny white spots (that look like your cory has been sprinkled with salt) I wouldn't recommend treating your corys for ich. While it is a disease that they can possibly get, they seldom do.

Please be certain that they do actually have it before using medication.
Thanks for the advice Inchworm. Have spent a good few hours on the net and the cory is not displaying any other disease signs - all very active, all eating as much as they can get. The only problem is that 1 cory is sometimes flashing. I did think they looked a little pale in colour but to be honest i cant remember how dark they were when i got them. They look a slightly faded colour but i have searched the net and most of the peppered corys pictures range from blackish to greyish so im not sure thats much of a symptom either.

The fact though that I did have an outbeak of itch in the same tank last week which I treated with medication made me think of that straight away.

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