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A few days ago some Corydoras paleatus spawned in a tank I had set up for halfbeak breeding. The tank is filled with pond life that the halfbeak fry eat, daphnia mostly. But there are also planarians, pond snails, and ostracods. While these beasts pose no threat to even newborn halfbeaks, is this true for the Corydoras fry?
At the moment I have the fry in a breeding trap. They're about two days old, and as far as I know eating the green algal fluff I bring in from the pond plus some Liquifry. Since the breeding tank has been established a while and must be filled with infusorians on the sand and plants, I can't help but imagine the feeding would be better outside the trap than in it. But do the daphnia, ostracods, and other wee beasties pose a threat to Corydoras fry?
At the moment I have the fry in a breeding trap. They're about two days old, and as far as I know eating the green algal fluff I bring in from the pond plus some Liquifry. Since the breeding tank has been established a while and must be filled with infusorians on the sand and plants, I can't help but imagine the feeding would be better outside the trap than in it. But do the daphnia, ostracods, and other wee beasties pose a threat to Corydoras fry?