Peppered Corycat Growth Help Please :)


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2010
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i bought 3 adorable little peppered corycats 2 weeks ago, which are about an inch - an inch and a half long, does anyone have any tips or comments on how quickly they grow? they're so sweet and i was just wondering how quickly they get, and also anyone's experience with how big there's are? thanks very much! x
They grow relatively quickly. Though not fast enough for it to be obvious to the eyes if you see them regularly.

I think my last lot took 1.5-2 months from pet shop juvi to adult sizes..
oh wow that's quite quick :) and approximately how big are your adults do you know?
I dont have peppered corys (i have bronze and panda) but i have both heard and read they get around 8cm, someone with more experience than me please correct me if i am wrong... :good:
I have some peppers and they are now a good size but a funny thing happened to begin with. During the begining of my tank I had 3 peppers but had a few problems and died. I had albino, panda and bronze as well so though he should be ok. I noticed he wasn't growing at all and was small. The next time I went to the fish shop about a month later I decided to buy him a friend yet they only had one pepper in at the time so I thought they would keep each other company. Within a week I noticed my original Peppered had grown significantly. Now they are both huge along with the rest of them. So personally I think how fast they grow depends on how happy they are :)
So personally I think how fast they grow depends on how happy they are,
Right. The development of any fish is determined by many factors. The most important are water-quality, nutrition, temperature and genetic vigor. Any group of fish will develop at their own pace, when compared to another, based on those primary influences. - Frank
brilliant, thanks for the replies! I'll be sure to keep an eye out on how happy they are and well fed! :)
thanks again x

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