Peppered Cory Isnt Growing


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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My peppered cory,Ferris, hasent growen at all since I got him. My bronze cory, Limon, has growen not much but hes gotten bigger. Ferris is also hidding alot I see him almost alittle as my pleco which is almost never. Is there something wrong with Ferris or is he just a slow grower?
Probably stress. Cories need to be in groups of 3 of their own species minimum, 5 preferably to feel safe and comfortable. Do you have sand or small, smooth gravel substrate? And how long have you had the cories?
I have gravel. I have had the cories for almost a month. Since my albino died I was debating about what to do for the peppered and bronze cory. Do you think he will get better if I get 2 more peppered corys?
It would help to get more of them, yes. Also if you can, you should set up a sand pit or something similar for them to sniff around in.
It's usually a plate or saucer with sand in it placed on top of the gravel if you don't want to redo the entire substrate with sand.
The peppered cory is probably a male, which grow much slower and don't grow as big as the females, your bronze cory is most likely a female if its growing faster.
Well I think posting thsi made him grow. Now Ferris is just . much small than Limon :D
Hi ScoutCarcer :)

Even under the best of circumstances, corys aren't the fastest growing fish. What are you feeding them? :unsure:
I give the fish in with him tropical flakes and frozen bloodworms. So he might get some of what they're eating. I also give the cories half of an algae wafer every other week to share with the other fish.
Hi ScoutCarcer :)

Your corys' slow growth could be partly due to their not getting enough food. Try giving them a bit more. They cannot live on bits of leftovers from the other fish, they need a good amount of high protein food for themselves. Corys are usually good eaters and also like flakes, pellets and algae wafers too.

Please feed them more bloodworms, but make sure there are none left uneaten since they could spoil and lead to bacterial infections. Let me know, in a few weeks, if this helps. :D

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