Peppered Cory Fry


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
west midlands,uk.
hi all,i have 16,23 day old peppered cory fry.on friday evening i noticed 1 of my cory fry on its side,i gently nudged it to see if it was dead and it swam off.the next minute it was on its side again.i carefully scooped it up & put it in a breeders trap inside the fry tank (i havent got a spare tank) thinking for sure it would die but it the breeders trap it was on its side more than on its sunday morning i decided to put it back in the man tank cus all the other fry kept swimming up to look in the breeders trap & it looked so lonely in there.anyway,in the main tank it seems to be able to stay on its front a bit longer but still flops on its side.its feeding ok & swims across the bottom of the tank ok with the others but its tail looks a bit bent at the end and iv noticed that when it tries to swim to the top of the water it almost makes it then floats back down to the bottom of the tank on its side.

my fella done the water change friday so maybe he knocked it or something.what should i do about this little cory baby?i dont really want to destroy it if theres a chance it could recover in the future (it swims closer to the surface now than i could on friday) but i hate seeing it lying on its side.mind you,when another fry goes near it or i put microworms in it soon rights its self & swims!what should i do,should i just leave it and let nature decide whats going to happen.

my brothers having some of the fry when there big enough & im keeping the rest so if it could live happily i wouldnt mind having a 'disabled' fish in the community tank as long as the other peppered corys & white clouds wouldnt pick on it.all advice is much apprechiated as i really dont know what i should do for the best for the little fella.thanx. :(
just to let you know that he swam upto the surface several times last night & this morning and is not droping back down to the bottom on his side.when he rests on the bottom he eventual falls onto his side tho but doesnt imediatly try to get upright again,he seems to be happy to just lie there,lol.think i will leave it upto nature to see what hapens. :) x
I have a duplicareus that likes to stay at about a 45 degree angle. It swims around and when it stops it is in the normal belly down position. Within a minute or so it starts teetering and ends up partly on its belly partly on its side. I used to nudge it to ensure it was alive, now I just leave it be. I have had this one for about six months and it has always done this. Mine is not nearly a fry as it is the biggest Corydoras I have ever seen at nearly three full inches.

As long as the fry seems healthy in other ways and is eating and growing just ignore it, or rather enjoy it. It is one of nice things about corys, some of them actually have a personality!
hi garraty,thanx for the reply,nice to know im not the only one with an odd ball cory,lol!!i must say that im rather attatched to this little fella already.

hes always with the other fry & is the first to notice the microworms when i put them in.he does go right over onto his side tho (sometimes he looks like hes almost upside down)& sometimes when he goes to swim off he stays on his side for a few seconds before he manages to right himself (maybe he thinks hes an upside down catfish,lol).he looks really funny & cute-bless him!!

like i said in my first post,il happily keep him in the community tank (when hes bigger)as long as he wont get picked.mind you,with only cories & white clouds i dont think there will be much chance of it hapening.

i feel better now that i know someone else has a 'different' cory as i know alot of people would say euthanaise it for its own gona let nature decide what happens to the lil fella as he seems happy & healthy enough! :) x

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