Microworm Cultures.
I carn't claim to own this recepe, its just whats worked for us. We use old butter or any flat bottom container of similar size, punch a few holes in the top for air. For food we use Ready Brek because its ground down fine and has added vitamens (hopefully adding to nutritional value of worms.) But i've read people using normal oats, baby porridges and oats so easy. Take a coffee mug add 3 heaped table spoons of oats,1/4 teaspoon active yeast(not fast acting, i found the mix goes off
pretty quick with this yeast) and add to luke warm water mix to a paste,so that it just rolls of the spoon. Let the mix stand for 15min then check it hasn't gone to solid, add more water to get it back to just rolling off the spoon. If the mix is too runeeee it'll go off fast.
Now spoon mix into container be careful not to slop up the sides. Seed with worms from an existing culture, I scrap a few from the sides so as not to contaminate the new mix with old mix.
Stir the new worms in, I stir mine daily thereafter so the food comes to the surface and keeps the mix fresher smelling. The mix shouldn't stink though, you should get a yeast smell, you'll see after a week or two the mix goes dark yellow and begins to smell this is the time to chuck away.Now place the culture somewhere warm, I put mine on top of a tank lid that has lights to keep them warm. Warning though the culture reproduces faster with warmth so they need more feeding and the mix goes off quicker. I add more Ready brek mix same as above every third day to kkep the culture going. And every fifth i start a new culture so the new one is ready when the old gets washed out.
To harvest them for the fish I wipe my finger round the side to collect them and place them in a plastic cup of tank water to rinse them.Finger licking good.
Don't forget to wash your hands after.
Don't touch the mix otherwise you'll contaminate your tank.
Now use a turkey baster to suck them up and put in the tank, whats good is the turkey baster can reach to the floor of our tank so we're releasing them right where the Cory fry are. The worms can live for 24hrs underwater so we don't siphon off after a feed, we just add less or miss a feed next feed. We're feeding 3-4 times a day.
We also treat our other fish with them,Cardinal tetra,Rams ,Minows and Angels. They enjoy chasing them around although they need to eat quite alot of worms for it to be nutritional. But anyone whoes kept a culture knows theres always tons of extra worms.
Hope this proves helpful.